Friday, January 8, 2016

How do we know there is a catechumen saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water, since this is not a dogmatic teaching and no one has seen this particular catechumen?

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You said "the Church does not say that anyone on earth has this gift of being able to see somone saved in Heaven
without the baptism of water and with the baptism of desire."  But neither does the Church say that anyone on earth has the ability to see someone in Heaven who received the baptism of water.  Since you are questioning (or denying) that anyone has been saved by BOD based on the fact that you have not actually seen it occur, why would you believe anyone has been saved with the actual baptism of water, since you haven't see this occur either?  
Yes since it is physically not possible to see such a case.So the baptism of desire not being explicit physically cannot be an exception to the dogma which says all need the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

But neither does the Church say that anyone on earth has the ability to see someone in Heaven who received the baptism of water. 
Yes the Church does not state this but in  faith, according to the dogma, the Church does state that the baptism of water is necessary for a person to go to Heaven as compared to a person who is not baptised with water in the Church.
This is said in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14).

 Since you are questioning (or denying) that anyone has been saved by BOD based on the fact that you have not actually seen it occur, why would you believe anyone has been saved with the actual baptism of water, since you haven't see this occur either?  
I am not questioning the possibility of someone being saved with the baptism of desire with or without the baptism of water and this being known only to God,
I am saying that these cases cannot be physically known to us, we cannot name someone in Heaven this year for example, saved as such. So these cases should not be considered as exceptions to the teaching on all needing to be formal members of the Catholic Church to go to Heaven.
I believe that someone will be saved with the baptism of water in the Church, since this is the teaching of the Church.I can also physically see the baptism of water being administered.I cannot see any one receiving the baptism of desire.

After 1949 'the Church' teaches that the baptism of desire is an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, contradicting the pre Council of Trent teaching on this subject.The present magisterium contradicts the centuries old magisterium.So I ask the present magisterium  where are the physically visible cases of someone saved with the baptism of desire ? Who are these persons, what are their names, where did they live? Who has seen them in Heaven? How could he(the viewer) know someone was saved outside the Church? How could any human say there is an exception, how would he know? How do we know there is a catechumen saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water, since this is not a dogmatic teaching and no one has seen this particular catechumen? How can we infer in general that there are persons saved with the baptism of desire and always without the baptism of water? 
-Lionel Andrades

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