Saturday, January 2, 2016

I am waiting for the contemporary magisterium to interpret magisterial documents with Feeneyism : then they will be in harmony with the perennial magisterium and the magisterium of Church documents

The contemporary magisterium has changed the teachings of the Church on exclusive salvation. They do not  say that Vatican Council II  says there is exclusive salvation  in the Church. Neither do they say that Catholics  are 'the new people of God' (NA 4), the Chosen People, the Elect and so 'all' need faith and baptism(AG 7, LG 14) to avoid the fires of Hell.This was the old understanding of the Church for centuries.This was how the Catholic Church understood itself.Yet the contemporary magisterium, the present teaching authority of the Church, will not say that this is the teaching of Vatican Council II  in Ad Gentes 7, Lumen Gentium 14, Nostra Aetate 4 etc.
According to 'the magisterial documents' ( Vatican Council II etc) most people are oriented to the fires of Hell at the time of death, since they die without 'faith and baptism'. Yet today the popes,cardinals and bishops do not teach this.The magisterium does not teach these magisterial teachings.
This is the contradiction of our time.
So a Catholic layman can be faithful to the magisterium, 'the magisterial documents and texts', but be opposed to 'the magisterium of persons', the contemporary magisterium ( Pope Benedict and Pope Francis, Cardinal Muller etc).
The 'magisterium of persons' approves the Traditional Latin Mass, for instance,  but without the magisterial teachings, of magisterial documents ( Vatican Council II etc) . A priest is not allowed to offer the Novus Ordo or Traditional Latin Mass in accord with 'the magisterium of magisterial documents',since the contemporary magisterium rejects 'the magisterium of Church documents' ( Vatican Council II etc) and also the magisterium of the past, 'the magisterium of persons', before 1949.They use Cushingism as a theology.LG 16, LG 8 etc refer to objective and visible cases in the present times.This is irrational even if it is the view of a pope or some authority in the Church.Any one who says that the baptism of desire refers to a physical instead of a theoretical case is off the mark.
Yet upon this irrationality the contemporary magisterium has created its new theology, the new ecclesiology.
This makes the contemporary magisterium a break with the perennial magisterium of the Church.It is a rupture with the perennial 'magisterium of persons' and 'the magisterium of Church documents'.This cannot be the action of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit says according to Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) that most people are on the way to Hell and Pope Francis and Pope Benedict do not say this.
How can the Holy Spirit today contradict the past teachings also inspired by the Holy Spirit ? How can the Holy Spirit in contemporary times, contradict the teachings of Vatican Council II and other magisterial documents? It is the contemporary magisterium which has made a mistake using the new Cushingite theology.
This has caused confusion in the Catholic Church.The 'magisterium of persons' has not be differentiated from 'the magisterium of texts.' The 'magisterium of persons' traditionally has its basis in 'the magisterial documents.' This is not so in the present times.
The texts are neutral. It is the inference with Cushingism or Feeneyism which changes the meaning.When LG 16 is invisible or invisible the conclusion is traditional or non traditional.
I can follow 'the magisterium of texts' and consider my beliefs Catholic  and magisterial.I can wait until the present contemporary magisterium is in synchrony with 'the magisterium of the texts,the magisterial documents' ( Vatican Council II etc).
In conscience I am following the perennial magisterium of the Church, which does not change. I am following magisterial documents, including Vatican Council II.With Feeneyism there is no change.It's simple.
For me there is nothing in Vatican Council II to contradict the perennial magisterial teachings on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no known salvation. There is no break between Vatican Council II and St. Robert Bellarmine, Cantate Domino Council of Florence 1441,the Council of Trent etc.
So to summarize : I am following the magisterium of Church documents including Vatican Council II.
I am following the perennial magisterium of the Church in agreement with Church documents.
I am not following the contemporary magisterium of persons on the issue of salvation.
I am rejecting the contemporary magisterium of persons interpretation of Church documents , with the theology of Cushingism, which is irrational.
I am waiting for the contemporary magisterium to interpret magisterial documents with Feeneyism, which is rational and traditional. Then the contemporary magisterium will be in harmony with the perennial magisterium and the magisterium of Church documents.
-Lionel Andrades

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