Tuesday, January 12, 2016

If the SSPX bishops and Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci would admit that the baptism of desire refers to invisible cases in 2016, the entire interpretation of Vatican Council changes : error in the article

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On page 8 of the article 'Il concilio Vaticano II e la salvezza delle anime' La Tradizione Cattolica ( N.4(97) 2015) Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci, Superior General, SSPX ,Italy refers to Lumen Gentium 8 :

This is the one Church of Christ which in the Creed is professed as one, holy, catholic and apostolic, (12*) which our Saviour, after His Resurrection, commissioned Peter to shepherd,(74) and him and the other apostles to extend and direct with authority,(75) which He erected for all ages as "the pillar and mainstay of the truth".(76) This Church constituted and organized in the world as a society, subsists in the Catholic Church, which is governed by the successor of Peter and by the Bishops in communion with him,(13*) although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure. These elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling toward catholic unity.-Lumen Gentium 8 ( emphasis mine)

For Fr.Pierpaolo Petrucci, Vatican Council II is saying there are explicit, personally known cases of persons saved with 'elements of sanctification and of truth' outside the visible boundaries of the the Church i.e  without faith and baptism. Since these cases are explicit they become exceptions to the old ecclesiology and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS). So he complains. He criticizes Vatican Council II.Since for him these indicated in Lumen Gentium 8 are objective exceptions to the dogma EENS. These persons are found(for him) among the Protestants and other Christians.So he rejects Vatican Council II since LG 8 contradicts the dogma EENS and the old ecclesiology. Protestants and Orthodox Christians need to convert into the Church formally for salvation, according to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and here Vatican Council II is saying,for him, that  there are exceptions.

I read this same passage and for me LG 8 does not refer to any known case saved with 'elements of sanctification and of truth'.These cases are invisible for us.They are accepted in theory. They can only be accepted in theory. In practical life there cannot be any such case known to us and if there is no such known case, there is no exception. Hypothetical cases cannot be exceptions.

If a saint in the past allegedly went to Heaven with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of blood how could any human know this? Similarly if St. Emerentiana or St.Victor is supposed to be one of these cases, how could any one know and how could they be explicit exceptions to the dogma in 2016? It would be irrational to assume that someone who died in the past and whom we cannot see physically today can be an exception to the dogma in the present times.

Similarly I do not know where the Catholic Church subsists among the Protestants. If it does subsist somewhere, it would only be known to God.So it would be invisible for us. Invisible cases cannot be relevant to the dogma EENS in 2016.They cannot be exceptions.

So for me there is no exception to the dogma EENS mentioned in Lumen Gentium 8.

This confusion in Vatican Council II comes from the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. For Fr.Petrucci and the SSPX bishops being saved with the baptism of desire and blood and in invincible ignorance, refer to known cases. So the baptism of desire etc become explicit exceptions to the Feeneyite version of the dogma.They are exceptions to St. Francis Xavier and St.Robert Bellarmine's interpretation of the dogma.
Here lies the problem.
If the SSPX bishops and Fr.Pierpaulo Petrucci would admit that the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to invisible cases for us in 2016, the entire interpretation of the Council changes.The baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance would no more be an exception to St. Francis Xavier's understanding of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Fr.Petrucci has quoted St. Francis Xavier and his missionary spirit in the article.On page 29 he suggests that the baptism of desire etc are exceptions to all needing to be baptised with water and considers this the traditional teaching of the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

Fr. Pier Paolo Petrucci, Superior General,SSPX ,Italy makes the familiar SSPX error http://eucharistandmission.blogspot.it/2016/01/fr-pier-paolo-petrucci-superior.html

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