Tuesday, January 12, 2016

LINDA GIBBONS: On trial, this Wednesday, January 13 in Toronto

LINDA GIBBONS: On trial, this Wednesday, January 13 in Toronto. Come and support her!
A reminder to all those who support the Gospel of Life. Linda Gibbons will stand trial for violating an abortion zone "bubble law" this coming Wednesday, 13th of January, at 10 a.m. in Courtroom 509 at the College Park Courts (intersection of College and Yonge).

It is imperative that as many people attend the trial in support as possible The authorities must see that these are not the actions of an isolated person, but an heroic act of witness for Christ and the Truth. This is real resistance and witness for truth against evil. Linda has been in prison for over four months, following her arrest on the second of September outside an abortion killing factory in Toronto's east end.

Mary Wagner, who is presently being held - as Linda is - at the Vanier Centre for Women for her own trail scheduled for March 10th wrote these words about Linda last April, in her Open Letter:
Linda and I, (as others), go to love – to strive to love – these little ones who only have minutes to live; they are scheduled to be killed today. We may not succeed in protecting the babies; but we strive to be faithful and to do the best we can while relying and trusting in God “who works all things together for the good...” (Rom 8:28), not stopping at a legal boundary unjustly imposed...
...If we appeal to the government or to the public in general, let's always keep the focus on the responsibility we have to assure the establishment of the most basic justice. What is a more basic duty of a government than to assume protection – the right to live – of each human being?
Linda and I are happy to embrace this cross (which is not too heavy) and strive to receive it as a normal result of wanting to be faithful to Christ and to love Him in “the least of these” (Mt 25:40). We do not want to focus on ourselves. We are in jail willingly and we hope that others would be encouraged to stand strongly in faith. We ask you to pray not so much that this cross be removed but for the strength to carry it and to grow in trust in God, to the point where we love the cross. Of course, however, we look forward to the day we hope will come when we are no longer being imprisoned – only if this means that the killing has ended and all of us are permitted to live – and to live freely as dedicated Christians.
Mary is correct, the way of the Christian is the Way of the Cross. The way to defeating evil in this country will be the taking up of the Cross by Christians as the persecution increases.


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