Sunday, January 10, 2016

Toronto Catholic Witness uses same theology as Pope Francis and the liberal Curia

Comment on Vox Cantoris' blogpost  Rome's blasphemy confirmed by Pope Leo XIII

The Toronto Catholic Witness is using the same theology as Pope Francis and the liberal Curia. He is not aware of it.He is interpreting the Catechism (1992) with Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism.
So he asks where is Jesus in all this and does not ask where is the necessity of membership in the Catholic Church, in all this.
His ecclesiology is not exclusivist but vague and indirectly supporting the new ecumenism, based on known salvation outside the Catholic Church.
He assumes there is known salvation outside the Church and so does not comment on CCC 1257 and 846 which the liberals interpret irrationality.
-Lionel Andrades

Catechism of the Catholic Church affirms the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus when the irrational inference is avoided

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