Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pakistani Catholic seminary uses irrational theology to interpret Vatican Council II

The National Catholic Institute of Theology (NCIT) was established in Karachi, Pakistan in September 1997. It offers academic courses leading to a diploma in theology, ( they interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism, with the  Right Hand Side Column (Red Column 1)  instead of the Left Hand Side Column (Blue Column) ) as well as programs for laypeople and Religious involved in Church ministries. At the Institute students can now obtain a Bachelor of Theology degree from Melbourne University due to the efforts of Yarra Theological Union and the Melbourne College of Divinity.(These Australian Theological Colleges also interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise and inference to reach a non traditional conclusion. Their 'new 
theology' is based on an irrational premise.They can allegedly see people in Heaven 
saved without the baptism of water.) 


It is located at the Christ the King Seminary which in 1997 was the only theological faculty in the country where seminarians and religious received their doctrinal and pastoral formation for the priesthood.(The Seminary was always Cushingite and taught an ecclesiology which was a break with the pre-Council of Trent ecclesiology ) When an urgent need was felt for a relevant and sound theological formation of the religious and clergy to build up and strengthen of the local Church, the Franciscans and Dominicans started serious reflection on the possibility of a second theological faculty which would also be open to lay men and women who wished to undertake degree or diploma theological studies or in-depth Biblical and Theological studies for their faith formation.(The Franciscans and Dominicans interpret Vatican Council II with the red column, which is irrational)  TheCatholic Bishops' Conference of Pakistan (CBCP) approved the idea of a National Institute to provide theological formation in the spirit of renewal desired by the Second Vatican Council ( according to Cushingism) , in keeping with theological principles ( principles of accomodation, change and compromise) and the challenges faced by the Church in the Asia.


All academic administration is the responsibility of Board of Governors which includes representatives of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Pakistan. It is a joint venture with collaboration among the Bishops and the religious orders, who also share responsibility. The Academic Staff emphasize special care to the deepening of theological education and formation in keeping with the changing realities which priests, religious and laity face. Now the study of theology is no longer an exclusive discipline accessible only to a privileged few. Every Christian man and woman can receive an appropriate spiritual and doctrinal formation.(with an irrationality, the dead man walking and visible theory, fantasy theology, the dead-saved and physically seen theology) The Committee consisting of Sr. Margaret Madden rsm, Fr. Clement Waidyasekara omi, Fr. Arthur Charles and Fr. Pascal Robert ofm,( good people but Cushingites)  was formed to prepare a Policy and Procedure Manual for NCIT. In 1998 the PPM was officially approved by the Board of Governors. For the first time in the history of the Catholic Church in Pakistan, a centre of theological learning opened for a wider participation of the laity, religious and clergy.( lay people who could lose their Catholic Faith if they had it from the pre-partition times, before 1947)

Christ the King Seminary is a Roman Catholic seminary in Karachi.(It is a Cushingite seminary)  It is located adjacent to the Portiuncula Friary. In its early years most of the faculty were provided by the Franciscans. It has been described as “the pioneering theological institution for the Catholic Church in Pakistan.”
The high-water mark of the seminary's 50-year existence was the recruitment of 98 seminarians for the class that entered in 1990. (Many seminarians who had the Catholic Faith could have lost it here )

Fr. Samson Shukardin, OFM, New Bishop

Fr. Samson Shukardin, OFM,  New Bishop

The Holy Father has appointed Fr. Samson Shukardin, O.F.M., as bishop of Hyderabad (area 137,386, population 22,309,840, Catholics 47,242, priests 30, religious 89), Pakistan. The bishop-elect was born in Hyderabad, Pakistan in 1961, gave his solemn vows in 1991 and was ordained a priest in 1993. He holds a diploma in theology from the National Catholic Institute of Theology in Karachi and a licentiate in civil law from the Sindh Law College, and has served in a number of pastoral roles, including parish vicar in Gujrat, procurator of the Franciscan province, and custodian of the Franciscan Order and president of the Conference of Major Superiors in Pakistan.
He is currently parish priest of the “St. Elizabeth” parish in Hyderabad, diocesan director of the Commission of Justice and Peace, and vicar general of the diocese of Hyderabad. He succeeds Bishop Max John Rodrigues, whose resignation from the pastoral care of the same diocese upon reaching the age limit was accepted by the Holy Father.


When the seminary started in 1956 it had only four students...(Before the seminary was founded the theology in Karachi, Pakistan (1947) was Feeneyite)
The National Catholic Institute of Theology (NCIT) was established at the seminary in September 1997, offering academic courses leading to a diploma in theology, as well as programs for laypeople and Religious involved in Church ministries. At the Institute students can now obtain a Bachelor of Theology degree from Melbourne University due to the efforts of Yarra Theological Union and the Melbourne College of Divinity.

-Lionel Andrades


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Franciscans of the Immaculate being forced to choose the right hand side column in the interpretation of Vatican Council II : conscience issue, injustice being done

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Newman Theological College

Catholic Theological College in Canada also uses irrational Cushingism instead of traditional Feeneyism as a theology to interpret Vatican Council II

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