Friday, February 19, 2016

See the difference!


I assume hypothetical cases are hypothetical and not objective.So they are not relevant to the old ecclesiology as exceptions. I accept Vatican Council II with no exceptions to EENS.
Since there are no exceptions to EENS there is no change in the traditional ecclesiology of the Church.This is the traditional teaching of the Catholic Church supported by the Holy Spirit.It is magisterial.
So I am affirming the official teachings of the Church according to the magisterium, according to magisterial texts and documents (Vatican Council II,Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257,845,846, Council of Trent, Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence etc) .

Image result for Photos Newman Theological College Canada

The Vatican Curia and NTC are a break with the traditional magisterium, they are also irrational and have based their theology on a lie ( there are visible persons in Heaven without the baptism of water).
They are not magisterial since they can only affirm the official teachings of the Church according to magisterial texts and documents, interpretated with an irrational premise and inference (Vatican Council II, Catechism of the Catholic Church 1257,845,846, Council of Trent, Cantate Dominio, Council of Florence etc).They have to use an irrationality to interpret these magisterial documents as a break with EENS.This cannot be the teaching of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit cannot teach a lie or make an objective error.
-Lionel Andrades

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