Monday, February 15, 2016

When will Louie Verrecchio respond to blog posts on Vatican Council II theologically or philosophically ?

There are two recent blog posts on EucharistandMission with reference to two reports of Louie Verrecchio.I have e-mailed him one blog post. There is no reply from him.

Imagine Cardinal Raymond Burke and Bishop Athanasius Schneider announcing in public that all non Catholics need to formally enter the Catholic Church for salvation and there are no exceptions and that this is the teaching of Vatican Council II

Now I will send the second of these following two blog posts. There will be no reply.
Cardinal Ottaviani was a Cushingite like Pope John XXIII.Those who participated in the Council of Florence were Feeneyites -1

Cardinal Ottaviani was a Cushingite like Pope John XXIII.Those who participated in the Council of Florence were Feeneyites -2

Over the past years these are some of the blog posts which I have sent him.He does not understand what I am saying.So he cannot analyse them.
He cannot theologically or philosophically agree with me or correct me.
Cardinal Kaspar,John Vennari and Louie Verrecchio make the Council ambigous

Michael Voris, Louie Verrechio using Cushingism instead of Feeneyism to analyse Vatican Council II
-Lionel Andrades

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