Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Archbishop Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II with the new theology of Rahner-Ratzinger.

Bishop Fellay clarifies relations with Rome

Bishop Fellay 3-2016

AKA Catholic

Louie Verrecchio:
On the contrary; Bishop Fellay gives us every reason to believe that he is determined to carry out the mission of the Society as described in Archbishop Lefebvre’s 1974 Declaration:
“We hold fast to all that has been believed and practiced in the faith, morals, liturgy, teaching of the catechism, formation of the priest and institution of the Church, by the Church of all time; to all these things as codified in those books which saw day before the Modernist influence of the Council.”
Lionel: This includes the new theology. Archbishop Lefebvre interpreted Vatican Council II  with the new theology of Rahner-Ratzinger.
He was also excommunicated  for ordaining bishops and for not accepting Vatican Council II interpreted with the new theology.
He was not aware of the new theology.Neither did the magisterium inform him about it. There was a choice.No one told him about it.
With the new theology the traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus was discarded.It was done with an irrationality, an irrational inference.This resulted in a change of doctrine and practise in liturgy, catechism, formation of the priest and institution of the Church.It brought in a modernist influence in the Church on a wide scale.It all can be overturned with one action.A change in concept.
As Bishop de Galarreta said in his conference:
‘You cannot admit the possibility of an agreement with Rome without being liberal.’ Such is not our position.
Lionel: If the irrationality which is the basis of the new theology is identified, then the Vatican can be asked to interpret Vatican Council II without the error. This will result in changes in all areas of the Church. There is an opportunity for Rome(Vatican) to come back to the Faith.

It is important to repeat it: it was not Archbishop Lefebvre’s position. He signed a protocol for an agreement with Rome. And at that time, even when he broke it off after the protocol, the Archbishop said: ‘it is because the necessary conditions for our protection, for our survival, are not there.’ Because they wish to deceive us, because they do not wish to give us Tradition, because they wish to bring us over to Vatican II...
Lionel: He means Vatican Council II interpreted with the new theology.

In other words, Archbishop Lefebvre insisted upon two things: First, and most obviously, he would never agree to anything that went against the Faith, and secondly, the Society must be sufficiently assured of its protection moving forward.
Lionel: By faith, he meant faith interpreted with the new theology.

Fidelity to this whole treasure of the Church which—God knows why, God knows how—is in our hands, an extraordinary heritage which is the treasure of the Church; it does not belong to us, and our only desire is for it to regain its place, its true place in the Church.
Lionel: By Church, he means the contemporary Church interpreted with the new theology.If the new theology is omitted then the conclusion, the result, would be different.This can be checked out any time. For example, Vatican Council II can be interpreted with or without the new theology and the result will obviously be different.It will be traditional or non traditional. 

This, my friends, is the perspective of a true son of the Church, an authentic shepherd and dedicated father.
Lionel: It is another example of a bishop unaware of the new theology which  he uses to interpret magisterial documents like Vatican Council II, the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 etc. He uses a false premise.Then with this premise he reasons rationally.An onlooker would not notice anything. Since the onlooker would see that the reasoning is rational. He would not know that the premise was being able to physically see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water. Or knowing of people on earth who will die and go  to Heaven without the baptism of water.
The Lord has in some way entrusted to the Society, initially by way of its saintly founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, the task of both preserving the great treasure of the Church’s inheritance, and laboring to restore it, to the fullest extent possible, to its rightful place in the heart of the Church for the good of souls.
Lionel: He made a mistake when he accepted the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to the Archbishop of Boston.This Letter  assumes hypothetical cases are explicit exceptions to the traditional, centuries old interpretation of extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
The Adversary has corrupted the hearts and minds of many in the sacred hierarchy, even to the highest places in Rome, and he is determined to see the Society fail so as to succeed in dragging countless more souls to Hell.
Lionel: The new theology is being promoted by the sacred hierarchy.
No, the tragic events in Brussels do not represent “blind violence” as much as they are the fruits of a false religion; one that rejects Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, and is at war with His Church.
Lionel: With the new theology the SSPX and the Vatican is saying there are known exceptions in the present times, to all Muslims needing to enter the Church to avoid Hell. Without the new theology, they would have to say Vatican Council II does not contradict the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus , as the 16th century missionaries interpreted the dogma on exclusive salvation.
Pope Francis, not unlike his predecessors, apparently does not care to acknowledge “what Heaven demands, the intention of Heaven declared at Fatima.”
Lionel: At Fatima, Our Lady said the dogma of the faith will be lost. If the dogma of the faith to which she was referring to was extra ecclesiam nulla salus, it is lost in the SSPX  and all who use the new theology of Rahner and Ratzinger. May be at some future time it will be revived in Portugal.
-Lionel Andrades


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