Saturday, March 26, 2016

Archbishop Lefebvre was correct in rejecting Vatican Council II interpreted with the irrationality. May God bless him for that

25 March 2016

Twenty five years

It is very sad that the Great Archbishop died, at least ostensibly, under excommunication latae sententiae. But he and his sons bore a solid witness against all the heresies which have attacked the Church since the 1950s; and one of the worst of those heresies is Sedevacantism.- Fr.John Hunwicke
Image result for Photo of Archbishop Lefebvre with Padre PioImage result for Photo of Archbishop Lefebvre with Padre Pio
Lionel: The new theology is based on an irrationality.Vatican Council II was being interpreted with the new theology, with the irrationality. So the Council emerged as a break with the past.

We now know that Vatican Council II can also be interpreted without the irrationality.The result is not a break with the old ecclesiology.
At the time of the excommunication this was not known.It was not known especially to the magisterium whose responsibility it was, to inform the Archbishop.

The Archbishop was correct in rejecting Vatican Council II interpreted with the irrationality. May God bless him for that.
He was wrongly excommunicated for not accepting a heretical version of Vatican Council II which his sons continue to reject.
-Lionel Andrades

SSPX ask the Vatican to apologise for the excommunication of Abp.Lefebvre and for interpreting Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism

Excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre

SSPX ask the CDF for an apology on this issue

LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc do not contradict EENS : Abp. Lefebvre's excommunication was a mistake

Archbishop Lefebvre was correct. However he like Pope John Paul II was not aware that Vatican Council II could be interpreted with an irrational premise or without it. The Council text is neutral.

Archbishop Lefebvre was correct in rejecting Vatican Council II(Cushingism version): the Magisterium was not aware of the false premise during the excommunication


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