Monday, March 28, 2016



by Peter O'Dwyer  •  •  March 24, 2016    

Migrants aren't the only ones suffering, says prominent cardinal

ROME ( - Insisting on the need to care for their own, Cdl. Raymond Burke challenged Italy's government not to turn its back on its own citizens. Earlier this week, his Eminence, patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and a leading orthodox voice in the Church,discussed the European migrant situation on an Italian Television interview.
Cardinal Burke praises the Italians' generosity to migrants, calling it "truly impressive," but at the same time pointing out that the citizens of Italy have problems of their own.

"The government must become aware of the suffering of so many Italians," he remarked. "For example, many Italians suffer from unemployment. I myself know many young people who are well trained for work but cannot find employment." 
Italy's current unemployment rate is a little over 10 percent, twice as high as the usually anticipated rate for a healthy economy. Italy's youth unemployment (comprising ages 15–24) hovers at around 40 percent — four times higher than that of the United States.
Cardinal Burke is the former prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, the highest canonical court in the Church. In 2014 he was appointed patron of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. He also sits on the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.
The migrant crisis began as the Syrian Civil War reached a fever pitch in 2015. Since then, refugees have been streaming into Europe, polarizing the European political landscape. While the need to welcome the stranger has been emphasized both in and outside the Church, others are citing the need for caution.
Robert Spencer of responded to the recent Brussels attack in an article Wednesday:
Last year, the Islamic State warned that it was going to flood Europe with 500,000 refugees, among whom there would be an unknown number of jihadists. Now ISIS has done it. Europeans need to repudiate these policies and lawfully remove the politicians who are responsible for them.
Cardinal Burke himself acknowledged this in the interview, saying that the crisis is "very complex."
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Peter O'Dwyer is a staff writer and associate producer for

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