Wednesday, March 30, 2016

For there to be an exception to EENS it would mean there is a known case, a physically known case in the present times, who made it to Heaven without the baptism of water.An invisible case cannot be an exception.

  Comments from Crisis Magazine :Léon Bloy’s Role in the Catholicism of Jacques and Raissa Maritain
 Michael Paterson-Seymour
“If there is some one saved without the intervention of this one Church it would not be known to us.”
One example would appear to be the ever-august Emperor Valentinian II, whose obsequies were performed by St Ambrose of Milan.

How would the Emperor or St. Ambrose know that this person is in Heaven without the baptism of water ?
How could they know that this person did not die with a mortal sin known only to God?
How can this speculative case, acceptable with good will, be an explicit example of someone saved without the baptism of water and so an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)?
This was the irrational reasoning of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949. They assumed hypothetical, speculative cases, were visible to persons on earth. Then they concluded that these 'known cases' were objective exceptions to EENS.

Crisis Magazine's photo.
In the fifty-third chapter of his funeral oration, more than a millennium before Trent, this Doctor of the Church says, “If it is really a cause for concern that the mysteries [baptism, confirmation and eucharist] have not been celebrated, it follows that not even martyrs receive crowns, if they are catechumens; for (on that assumption) they cannot be crowned, unless they have been initiated. But if the martyrs have,in fact, been baptised in their own blood, then Valentinian’s piety and intention have, in effect, baptised him, too.”
Yes it is hoped that he is in Heaven. We cannot assume that this is a known case or an an exception to EENS. For there to be an exception to EENS it would mean there is a known case, a physically known case in the present times, who made it to Heaven without the baptism of water. An invisible case cannot be an exception.

-Lionel Andrades

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