Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Joseph Shaw removes comments: John Lamont prudently avoids the issue

Joseph Shaw and John Lamont have decided not to address these blog posts which had been posted as comments on the LMS Chairman Blog and the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist.
John Lamont had commented on the blog Musings of a Pertinious Papist on another issue but when I mentioned that the ecclesiology he teaches is approved by the Masons and of course the Archbishop of Sydney he has no comment.I was referring to specific theology and reasoning which he uses.
I have also mentioned in reports on my blog that John Lamont, like Joseph Shaw and Thomas Pink depend on permission from the local bishop to teach theology.This permission is only given to Catholics with an academic degree in theology who assume hypothetical cases mentioned in Vatican Council II refer to not hypothetical cases, but explicitly visible cases, seen in the flesh. So then Vatican Council II becomes a break with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Trradition in general. There is then a break with the teaching on the Social Kingship of Christ the King and the need for a non separation of Church and State.Since if there is known salvation outside the church why do non Catholics need to be formal members of the Church? Why should all political systems have at their centre formal entry into the Catholic Church? Every one does not need to be Catholic to be saved...
John Lamont does not state that he agrees with me perhaps since it would be opposed by the political Left which also decides which theology the traditionalist theologians will teach.If states he disagrees with me he would have to be specific as a theologian.
He would have to continue with the falsehood, saying there are known cases in 2016 of non Catholics saved without the baptism of water.He would also have to say that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance refer to known cases, seen in the flesh. So these alleged exceptions for him would contradict the  dogmatic teaching which says all need to be formal members of the Church. He cannot maintain this irrationality and criticise me for not accepting it.He would also have to admit that Archbishop Lefebvre and the traditionalists at the time of the formation of the SSPX, made a factual error.He is not going to say all this. He will continue to hide information about the irrationality.Instead he will also continue to teach it.
Lamont, Shaw and Pink teach this irrationality to stay in their profession.
Here is Rome the same irrationality is taught by Fr.Giordano Bruno in ecclesiology classes at the Pontifical University of St.Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum).Fr.Bruno is the new head of the Human Life International, Rome and offers the Traditional Latin Mass.
Similarly Joseph Shaw does not want to affirm the traditional  teaching on salvation which is also rational.Instead he uses Cushingism which is a break with Tradition.
So Joseph Shaw has removed all my comments on his blog LMS Chairman,which were there for a day.He is not going to address the issue on behalf of the FIUV or the LMS.So this is his approach to this problem in theology related to the 'ancient liturgy'. 
There are comments by John Lamont  too on LMS Chairman but he would prudently not comment on my comment. It is business as usual for both these Catholic theologians.
They support the liberal positions of their bishops on this issue and wrongly suggest that  this innovation was part of the old ecclesiology of the Latin Mass.
The photos usually posted on the LMS Chairman blog, by Prof. Joseph Shaw,  are those of the Latin Mass being offered by priests, and attended by lay persons, who all interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise which creates a new ecclesiology,different from centuries past, when the same Mass was offered by the popes and saints.
-Lionel Andrades

The FIUV has been of no help to the Fischer More College and the Franciscans Friars of the Immaculate
FIUV representing the ancient liturgy could interpret Vatican Council with Feeneyism instead of Cushingism

Joseph Shaw removes comments

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