Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Known salvation (known exceptions) means inferring we can see or know people in 2016 in Heaven or on earth, saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.This fantasy inference is not made by me it is inferred by Pope Benedict. I am only pointing it out

Anonymous Comments from Musings of a Pertinacious Papist :"The one thing, the first thing, the only thing that matters for the Church is to save souls!"

Anonymous said...
I would put "known salvation" in the same receptacle as Balthasar's "dare we hope . . . " That is, the trash bin reserved for perniciously "hypothetical" notions at odds with tradition and dogma but promoted by theological upstarts to spotlight their egotistical brilliance and push their zeitgeist-driven agendas.

I would put "known salvation" in the same receptacle as Balthasar's "dare we hope . . . " That is, the trash bin reserved for perniciously "hypothetical" notions at odds with tradition and dogma but promoted by theological upstarts to spotlight their egotistical brilliance and push their zeitgeist-driven agendas. 


Known salvation (Known exceptions) simply means inferring that we can see or know people in the present times( for example 2016) who are in Heaven or on earth, saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.This fantasy inference is not made by me it is inferred by Pope Benedict and I am only pointing it out .

The inference is made for example, when it is said that the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, refer to baptisms without the baptism of water( Wow! How would you know?!) and so there is salvation outside the Church(Yep! You've seen them in Heaven without 'faith and baptism').

For me there is no known salvation and so I follow the old ecclesiology based on the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.

-Lionel Andrades

"Thanks for providing this! God bless the Society!", " I agree with much of what Lionel says"

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