Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Priest Wanted : Saint Benedict Center

Priest Wanted

Dear Readers,

Saint Benedict Center is once again actively seeking out a full-time priest. The cleric who was here on an experimental basis for the last six months has returned to his home Diocese. We are looking for another priest to fill the role as soon as possible.

As we are close to Holy Week, a temporary fill in would be welcome. 

Here in southern New Hampshire are a small group of religious brothers, sisters, and traditional Catholic lay faithful (200+ on Sundays). We have a small school, too, and do some publishing, such as the web site.
Interested priests who are able to offer the traditional Latin Mass are asked to call or send inquiries to Brother André Marie:

Prayers to Find a Priest

O Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, please speedily send us a priest who will serve our sacramental needs in accordance with the Holy Will of God, and who will be a boon to the apostolate of the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, our Center, our School, and all our families.

Let us Pray
O God, Who didst wondrously inflame blessed John, Thy Confessor, to promote the public worship of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and through him didst will to found new religious families in Thy Church: grant, we beseech Thee, that we who venerate his merits may also be taught by the example of his virtues, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. (Oration from the Feast of St. John Eudes: August 19)
  • Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us!
  • Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for us!
  • Saint John Eudes, Pray for us!
Note: The religious are offering these prayers in our houses along with our regular spiritual exercises. We ask individuals and families to join us in these prayers. Uniting them, for instance, to the family Rosary would be an excellent idea.
St. John Eudes, to whom we are praying to find a priest
St. John Eudes, to whom we are 
praying to find a priest

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