Monday, March 28, 2016

The excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre by the CDF Prefect, like that of Fr.Leonard Feeney by the Holy Office (CDF) in 1949, was an injustice.There was no known salvation outside the Church

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In a prepared statement for the press the former Jesuit ( Fr.Leonard Feeney) added: "The conscience difficulty is that the diocese of Boston, under the auspices of Archbishop Cushing, and Boston College, under the auspices of Father John J. McEloney, S.J., both notably ignorant in the field of Catholic theology ... are teaching that there is salvation outside the Catholic Church." - Father Feeney Is Dismissed From Jesuit Order by Rome
In 1981, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger settled in Rome when he became Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and in 1988 he approved the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre while he and Fr.Karl Rahner implemented a new theology in the Catholic Church.It was based on known salvation outside the Catholic Church.So the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) was rejected.
As a theology he chose Cushingism ( there are known exceptions to EENS) instead of Feeneyism ( there are no known exceptions to EENS) and he  moved the Church away from the 16th century missionaries understanding of EENS.He had  'developed' a Catholic  dogma and he boldly announced this in public for the first time, in the interview with Avvenire.
So he  now interpreted Vatican Council II with the new theology (LG 16 refers to known cases of salvation in invincible ignorance in the present times without the baptism of water) and so the Council became a break with the dogma EENS.There was a rupture with Tradition, a rupture with the old ecclesiology based on EENS. Now he wanted Archbishop Lefebvre to accept this.
The Archbishop correctly and in good conscience refused to accept this non traditional interpretation of Vatican Council II based on an irrational premise and inference.
Cardinal Ratzinger would approve his excommunication.
But then it was no more just irrationality and innovation.It became first class heresy when the Nicene Creed was changed and the Athanasian Creed bluntly rejected.
The Nicene Creed's 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins'  refers to one known baptism, the baptism of water. It can be repeated, it can be seen, it is physical. Every one needs this physical baptism for salvation. We do not know of any physical exception.We cannot meet someone who will not need this physical baptism and be saved.
But for Cardinal Ratzinger, there being salvation outside the Church, there were physical exceptions to all needing the baptism of water for salvation. He approved the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which suggested that the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance, happened without the baptism of water and they were exceptions to all needing the physical baptism of water.So now there was not one known baptism but there were three known baptisms, three physical baptisms for Cardinal Ratzinger. They are water ( as before) but also desire and blood.
This is irrational since the baptism of desire for example, cannot be administered, it is not physical and it is unknown to us.So the traditional meaning of a Creed has been changed by using an irrational inference.
Like the Nicene Creed changed for Catholics,the Athanasian Creed which says outside the Church there is no salvaton has also been rejected with alleged known salvation outside the Church.
Cardinal Raztinger has been encouraging heresy in the Church with his irrational new theology based on known physical exceptions to all needing the baptism of water.In the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257) he says with reference to all needing the baptism of water for salvation that 'God is not limited to the Sacraments'.It is as if he would know of some exception to the necessity of the baptism of water that he mentioned it in this context.

As I mentioned in a previous blog post it  was Cardinal Ratzinger who was in first class heresy and he should have been checked by Pope John Paul II.
Archbishop Lefebvre was correct in rejecting Vatican Council II in which LG 16, LG 8, NA 2, UR 3 etc refer not to invisible cases but visible persons, alleged examples of salvation outside the Catholic Church.

This was all permitted by a Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith(CDF), who is supposed to protect the Catholic Faith.

For Cardinal Ratzinger, the Archbishop of Boston, Cardinal Richard Cushing, did not make an objective mistake by suggesting there was known salvation outside the Church.Instead, for Cardinal Ratzinger, it was Fr.Leonard Feeney who was in heresy.Since he affirmed EENS with no known exceptions, and the CDF considered this a heresy.

For Fr.Leonard Feeney there was no known salvation outside the Church,there  were no exceptions to the dogma EENS and this was not supported by the magisterium of Cardinal Ratzinger. 

The excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre by the CDF Prefect, like that of Fr.Leonard Feeney by the Holy Office (CDF) in 1949, was an injustice.There was no known salvation outside the Church.
-Lionel Andrades

 MARCH 27, 2016

Card. Ratzinger interpreted Vatican Council II with an irrationality when a rational option was available.He then excommunicated Abp. Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops for not accepting this heretical version of the faith

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