Thursday, March 24, 2016

You can from now on interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational inference and the Council will be in harmony with traditional EENS. Try it and confirm it. Then let me know.

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Comments from Léon Bloy’s Role in the Catholicism of Jacques and Raissa Maritain, Crisis Magazine.

Michael Novak was a visiting professor at a Legion of Christ university in Rome when I spoke to him. I was disappointed that he did not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) even though he projected himself as a conservative Catholic, something he has done in this article too.
He interprets the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II just as Pope Benedict did in his recent interview with Avvenire.
So Cardinal Kasper has said that if ecclesiology can change then why not change in other teachings of the Catholic Church?
For me ecclesiology has not changed and there are no known exceptions to EENS mentioned in Vatican Council.
The hermenuetic method depends upon how you interpret the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorancehttp://eucharistandmission.blo...
Without this new theology, based on an irrational observation it cannot be said the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been changed or discarded.They have to use the irrationality: Synod Exhortationhttp://eucharistandmission.blo...

No Salvation outside the church isn't taught anymore, even though it is a infallible doctrine. Ecumenism and inter religious dialogue has caused this. According to this pope, anyone can be saved, no matter what you believe or if you don't have any beliefs at all. Jesus's teachings have been changed. read John 14:6, John 8:24, Mark 16:16 and then, tell me Jesus's teachings have not been changed.
The 'New Wave" since Vat. II says that doctrines can evolve according to the changes in society. The goal of Vat.II was to bring the church into the modern world, Instead of bringing the modern world into the church. According to the Modernists of today there are no eternal truths. Truths change with the societal changes,
I don't buy any of it. That is why I attend the Latin mass, where we follow the pre Vatican Calendar and the traditional teachings of the Catholic church.
If there are any more changes in the Catholic teachings, I am going to join the Eastern Orthodox church. Notice the word Orthodox.
No Salvation outside the church isn't taught anymore, even though it is a infallible doctrine. Ecumenism and inter religious dialogue has caused this.
The cause is using an irrational premise and then inferring there is known salvation outside the Church. This is the magisterial error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 and Vatican Council II. It is expressed in ecumenism and inter religious dialogue.
It can be avoided. Just omit the inference and we are back to the old ecclesiology. Try it and see.

You can interpret Vatican Council II without the new theology. Try it and see.

According to this pope, anyone can be saved, no matter what you believe or if you don't have any beliefs at all. Jesus's teachings have been changed. read John 14:6, John 8:24, Mark 16:16 and then, tell me Jesus's teachings have not been changed.
It is only by using the irrational inference ( being able to see people in Heaven) that it was possible to contradict EENS and of course John 3:5 and Mk. 16: 16.
You can from now on interpret Vatican Council II without the irrational inference and the Council will be in harmony with traditional EENS. Try it and cofirm it. Then let me know.

The 'New Wave" since Vat. II says that doctrines can evolve according to the changes in society. The goal of Vat.II was to bring the church into the modern world, Instead of bringing the modern world into the church. According to the Modernists of today there are no eternal truths. Truths change with the societal changes,
I don't buy any of it. That is why I attend the Latin mass, where we follow the pre Vatican Calendar and the traditional teachings of the Catholic church.
The traditionalists and sedevacantists also use the new theology, which assumes the baptism of desire refers to known exceptions to the dogma EENS. This is a break with the old ecclesiology, based on EENS, for example in the 16th century.
-Lionel Andrades

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