Friday, April 8, 2016

Contradicts Pope John Paul II ? : Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia

From yesterday's blog post on Eucharistandmission.
Tomorow (Friday) the Vatican is expected to announce in some way that ecclesiology has been changed through Vatican Council II ( with the use of an irrational inference, which they will not refer to) and so, there can also be changes with respect to the Eucharist and Catholics living in mortal sin.
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The Eucharist with the approval of the two popes, is already being given to pro-abortion and pro-sodomy Catholic politicians.So much of change has come into the Catholic Church through the objective mistake of there being known salvation outside the Church.

So much of Vatican Council II has been based on the factual mistake in the Letter(1949),with new doctrines being put forward, which reject EENS according to the 16th century Catholic Church.This was confirmed by Pope Benedict recently in the interview with Avvenire, as if preparing us for the Exhortation on the Synod.He considers it 'a development' of doctrines and dogma.
We now know how the dogma EENS, defined by three Church Councils, has been 'developed'.
The pope does not believe in the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and neither does he believe in the traditional moral theology of the Catholic Church.He seems to be following the new moral theology approved by Pope Benedict in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in which exceptions decide the rule and unknown factors are important in determining mortal sin.
Certain points of the new Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia  contradict  Pope John Paul's encyclical on moral theology, Veritatis Splendor.Pope John Paul II  criticized the Fundamental Option Theory and said that mortal sin is objective.The new document indicates the opposite. It suggests mortal sin is relative.The exceptions make the rule.This seems  like the moral theology of Fr.Charles Curran.
The new document contradicts Ecclesia di Eucharistia of Pope John Paul II. Pastorally the way will be open to give the Eucharist to persons living in mortal sin. So in an indirect way, the message will be that doctrine has been changed.
The document does not mention mortal sin and Hell and that the punishment for mortal sin is Hell. Instead it sees the traditional moral teachings on how to avoid Hell as many 'rules' and considers it a different 'approach'.
Well, as Cardinal Kasper said, if ecclesiology can be changed ( with the dogma EENS being rejected officially) then why cannot the moral and faith teachings of the Church, also change?-Lionel Andrades

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