Thursday, April 14, 2016

Franciscans of the Immaculate seminarians are taught the new moral and salvation theology based on known exceptions, visible in Heaven

The Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (FFI) seminarians attend the pontifical universities ( Anthoniam etc) where they are taught the following in moral and salvation (faith) theology.


1) We human beings DO KNOW SOMEONE  in the present times (2016) who is an exception to the traditional moral teaching i.e who is living in adultery, concubinage etc and WILL NOT GO TO HELL.The popes also personally know of someone who is an exception.So every one living in adultery ( irregular situation) is not in mortal sin and has not lost Sanctifying Grace.

2) People in the past  knew of exceptions to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.Everyone who is living in 'traditional mortal sin' is not on the way to Hell.People in the past have seen someone in Heaven who was an exception to the moral law.
When the reality is:
1) We do not know any one in the present times (2016) who is an exception to the traditional moral teaching i.e who is living in adultery, concubinage etc and will not go to Hell. Neither do the popes personally know of someone who is an exception.

2) No one in the past knew of any exception to the traditional teaching on mortal sin.Everyone who is living in mortal sin is on the way to Hell.No one in the past saw someone in Heaven who was an exception to the moral law.


1) We human beings DO KNOW SOMEONE in the present times (2016) who is an exception to the traditional teaching on exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.They are excepetions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS)  which says  every one needs to be a formal member of the Catholic Church; every one with no exception needs Catholic Faith with the baptism of water, to avoid the fires of Hell.The popes also personally know of someone who is an exception the dogmatic teaching on exclusive salvation.

2) People in the past knew of exceptions to the traditional teaching on salvation, since the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance referred not to hypothetical cases but personally known cases in the present times.People in the past have seen someone in Heaven who was an exception to the dogma EENS. So there is known salvation outside the Church.
When the reality is:
1) We do not know any one in the present times (2016) who is an exception to the traditional teaching on extra ecclesiam nulla salus. Neither can the popes personally know of someone who is an exception.

2) No one in the past knew of any exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENS.Everyone who is formally not a member of the Church in the present times (2016) according to the dogma EENS is on the way to Hell.No one in the past could see someone in Heaven who was an exception to extra ecclesiam nulla salus.This is not possible for human beings.

This is the error which the Franciscans of the Immaculate seminarians have to accept like all other Catholics students.It was approved by even Pope Benedict.
 Pope Benedict confirmed  in an interview with Avvenire last month that there were exceptions to the dogma EENS in Vatican Council II and so EENS was no more like in the 16th century.Doctrine has changed on salvation.
Now we have Amoris Laetitiae which says there are known exceptions in judging a couple living in mortal sin ( irregular situation).Pope Francis indicates the concept of  mortal sin as held in the 16th century is there no more. So doctrine has changed.
We must remember that Pope Francis closed down the old seminary of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. The priests are still not allowed to offer the Traditional Latin Mass and their situation is irregular.
The seminarians who attend Mass in Italian at the new seminary in Boccea, Rome( approved by Pope Francis)where formerly the old seminary was located, have to accept the new moral and salvation theology with the irrationality i.e there are known exceptions in the present times to the traditional teachings on mortal sin and salvation.
In other words they are taught that we know of people in Heaven who are there in mortal sin ( they have not gone to Hell) or are there in Heaven, without 'faith and baptism' (and they too have not gone to Hell).
In the 16th century seminary training they did not use this irrationality. They did not suggest that there were known exceptions to traditional teaching and that these exceptions were the general norm, the new norm,replacing the centuries old teaching.-Lionel Andrades

FFI seminary video : How they were

February 7, 2014

Franciscans of the Immaculate seminarians have to accept objective error at Pontifical Universities : approved by Fr. Fidenzio Volpi

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