Sunday, April 3, 2016

Fr.Z uses Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II. Possibly his bishop would not allow him to interpret Vatican Council II, the dogma EENS and the Nicene Creed with traditional and rational Feeneyism: Michigan Diocese, Marquette

Brick by brick in Marquette

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Good things are happening in a Michigan Diocese, Marquette.
Lionel:  Nothing special!
Don’t confuse it with Jesuit-run Marquette University.
First, they were blessed with n0w-Archbishop Sample.  He issued a statement on sacred music.  HEREThen they advanced the cause of Ven. Frederic Baraga.  Then the new Bishop, John Doerfler, issued particular law for the diocese building on Sample’s letter. HERE  And… regular reader and commentator here Fr. Tim Ferguson was ordained for the diocese.
Now I read that Bp. Doerfler has decided that the diocesan schools will use a classic curriculum rather than Common Core.
Lionel:The classic curriculum though better than the Common Core is not Catholic.
This comes via the Cardinal Newman Society, which keeps watch on Catholic education in these USA.  HERE  See them daily on my right side-bar!
Lionel: They support a Christological ecclesiology and reject membership in the Catholic Church being necessary for salvation. There is no exclusivist ecclesiology based on Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) and the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Mich. Diocese Shifts to Classical Curriculum, Avoids Common Core
Educators and parents are increasingly dissatisfied with secular standards that neglect to emphasize virtuous development in K-12 academics, but one diocese in Michigan has responded by making the bold decision to implement a classical, liberal arts curriculum for all diocesan schools.
Lionel: It is still a liberal curriculum.In all Michigan Catholic schools, during Religion Class, the students are taught to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrational premise. The have to interpret Vatican Council II with Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.
They also have to interpret the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with Cushingism, so the dogma becomes a break with the 16th century missionaries.
They have to reject the Nicene Creed's 'I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins'. It is replaced with 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water. They include being saved with 'seeds of the Word'(AG 11) and 'elements of sanctification and truth' in other religions(LG 8).' They have to assume that hypothetical cases mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church ( e.g 1257-God is not limited to the Sacraments) refer to objectively known exceptions to EENS in 2016.
All this is acceptable to the bishops in Michigan and the Cardinal Newman Society.
And the diocese’s superintendent of Catholic schools, Mark Salisbury, told The Cardinal Newman Society that the program has been widely well-received by teachers and students and is improving education for the entire diocese.
Lionel: The teachers and students reject the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus which they interpret with Cushingite theology i.e there are known exceptions to EENS in the present times.For them there is known salvation outside the Church.There are physical exceptions to EENS seen in Heaven or on earth (may be in  Michigan!).
They also interpret Vatican Council II in which LG 16 refers to visible instead of invisible cases.The same fantasy theology is applied to the Catechism of the Catholic Church with the approval of the contemporary magisterium.
“We are enthusiastic about our early successes,” Salisbury shared. “Teachers are happy with the results as well. We have improved our ability to teach students how to write well, students are learning and memorizing more poetry” and the curriculum’s integration of Latin studies “has helped students with English grammar, vocabulary and critical thinking skills.” A recent satisfaction survey of more than 440 parents for the 2015-16 school year revealed that 76 percent of parents were highly satisfied with the academic programs.
They are satisfied even though it is without the Catholic Faith. Magisterial heresy is approved in the Curriculum.It is also politically correct with the Left.
The team focused extensively on the goals for Catholic education articulated in Archbishop John Michael Miller’s The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools. According to Archbishop Miller, Catholic schools should be recognized by five essential principles. Catholic schools are: “inspired by a supernatural vision,” “founded on Christian anthropology,” “animated by communion and community,” “imbued with theCatholic worldview throughout the curriculum,” and “sustained by the Gospel witness of the teachers and staff.”
Lionel: They reject John 3:5 and Mark 16:16 which support the dogma EENS.They do not say that the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation. Instead they assume there is salvation outside the Church in other religions.This is a break with the pre-Council of Trent Catholic Faith.It is a break with the centuries old Catholic teaching on salvation.
The 'development of doctrine' in Michigan comes by teaching the children to affirm that we humans can see people in Heaven saved without the baptism of water, who are visible exceptions on earth to the dogma EENS. Then they are told that since there are exceptions to the dogma EENS there is a development of doctrine.This was also the general understanding of the Church in 1962-1965. Since it was assumed that persons in invincible ignorance could be saved outside the Church, it was concluded that not every one needs to enter the Church, as it was taught in the 16th century, but only those who know about Jesus and the Church needed to enter. Only those who are not in invincible ignorance needed to enter. This new theology based on an irrationality( visible cases of persons saved in invincible ignorance and without the baptism of water) was placed in Vatican Council II (LG 14).While LG 8 says there is salvation outside the Church. The LG 8 and LG 14 statements come from the error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 when it was assumed there was known salvation outside the Church.It was inferred that being saved in invincible ignorance or the baptism of desire referred to known cases, objective cases. It was wrongly inferred that these 'invisible and explicit' cases were physical exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS. This was the new theology Pope Benedict recently defended in the interview to Avvenire.It is now part of the curriculum in the USA and at Marquette.
This irrationality, an innovation, is part of the curriculum Pope Benedict has approved for Catholic schools and universities and pontifical colleges and seminaries all over the world.
Keeping these principles in mind, it quickly became clear that a Catholic liberal arts curriculum was the best way forward in Marquette, especially since such a curriculum has been “the perennial and consistent curriculum framework applied throughout history in Catholic schools,” said Salisbury.
Lionel: False. In pre-Council of Trent times Feeneyism was the traditional theology. There were references to the Catechuman being saved with the desire for the baptism of water before he died.However this was considered a theoretical case.It was not inferred that this was a reference to a personally known person and so there was a known exception to EENS. The inference was first made in the Baltimore Catechism and the irrational follow up was there in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.It seems as if Vatican Council II was called to implement this error. It is all over the Council.
Vatican Council II however can be interpreted with Feeneyism as a theology. This would be a break with 'the Catholic teaching' in Marquette. Marquette has the option of interpreting a Vatican Council II in which LG 16 refers to invisible and not visible cases.Presently LG 16, LG 8, NA 2, UR 3 etc at Marquette refers to visible cases.So Vatican Council II is a rupture with the dogma EENS, for the Catholic teachers and students.
Moreover, the liberal arts are “founded on a Christian anthropology and imbued with a Catholic worldview because we are constantly looking for the good, true and beautiful in each subject we teach.”
Lionel:But the old ecclesiology on salvation has been rejected.There is the Rahner-Ratzinger new theology being taught based on a fantasy.The fantasy is that of being able to physically see exceptions to the old ecclesiology .The old ecclesiology was  based on the dogma EENs.The dogma has been discarded with the new theology approved by Pope Benedict.
From there, students are prepared “to ‘see’ God, who is the Good, the True and the Beautiful — and the source of all goodness, truth and beauty.” This preparation facilitates students’ understanding of scripture and participation in the liturgy.
Lionel: They participate in the liturgy with official heresy.They deny the dogma EENS.They have changed the interpretation of the Nicene Creed.They reject the Athanasius Creed.Vatican Council II is presented with an irrational inference and the option is rejected.They  apply this innovation to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC 1257- The Necessity of Baptism and CCC 846-outside the Church there is no salvation)
Diocesan educators then set about crafting a foundations document for the new curriculum, which Salisbury shared with the Newman Society.
We began our curriculum foundations document with the supernatural vision — that is, with the end in mind — namely, that our students will develop friendships with Christ because this is the foundation of true happiness in this life and the next,” said Salisbury. From that vision, the foundations document integrated opportunities for students to learn how to live virtuously and work towards the perfection of character.
The greatest happiness a person can attain is communion with Jesus Christ,” the document begins.
Lionel: Jesus without the Church. Communion with Jesus Christ as a Lutheran is welcomed or even as a Jehovah's Witness.
“Therefore, the core of our curriculum is the person of Jesus Christ. We hope to graduate students who have ‘encountered the living God who in Jesus Christ reveals his transforming love and truth’ (cf. Spe Salvi, 4).” The curriculum also “seeks to form our graduate’s character, aiming as high as its perfection.”
Lionel: They are following the liberal,pro-Masonic Catholic education approved by the Vatican and the USCCB. They are not following the Core Curriculum though, and this is an improvement. 
Brick by brick.
Lionel: Brick by brick? The old Mass with the new heretical ecclesiology? The Catholic religion which is a rupture with the past?
Fr. Z kudos.
Lionel: Fr.Z uses Cushingism to interpret Vatican Council II. Possibly his bishop would not allow him to interpret Vatican Council II, the dogma EENS and the Nicene Creed with traditional and rational Feeneyism.He could not be incardinated in Rome, for example,  if he did not use an irrational inference to interpret Vatican Council.So he keeps his 'career' by saying the baptism of desire is an exception to the Feenyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.
Its Summorum Pontificum - but with the new ecclesiology.-Lionel  Andrades


Deception in Dallas and Detroit

After fifty years of false and blantant teaching it is incredible that anyone who reads and thinks is in the Church. I have to admit I was fooled for fifty years. The falsehood is clear but not proclaimed on the local level- Larry, University of Dallas graduate
For over two years the falsehood is clear at Dallas but not proclaimed at the local level : from school to university Catholics are taught the false premise

Bishop Arturo Cepeda
So many thousands of Catholic students in Michigans Catholic schools have to interpret Vatican Council II with an irrationality and CMTV keeps quiet

“We need to provide an education which teaches critical thinking and encourages the development of mature moral values.” — Pope Francis, 11/24/13

Did the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 make a factual mistake and so school children in the Archdiocese of Detroit have to use an irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II ?

Catholic Parents Associations please protest against the irrationality being taught to children in Detroit, Michigan

Superintendents of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Detroit agree : irrationality being taught in Religion Class
CMTV and the Archdiocese of Detroit

April 21, 2015

Bishop Arturo Cepeda, Director of the Department of Evangelization, Catechesis and Schools,Detroit has no denial : he agrees an irrationality is taught to Catholic school children

Catholic Schools Banner

School children in the Archdiocese of Detroit have to use an irrationality to interpret Vatican Council II

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