Saturday, April 23, 2016

How easily annulments and dispensations are given and now Amoris Laetitia offers another Church-approved means to strike at the family

Related imageIn the Philippines and Florida the Eucharist will be given to Catholics who have divorced and remarried. It is no more a sacrilege.This will be common all over the world just as it is easy to get an annulment or dispensation.The commonly given annulments and dispensations are also an attack on the family.
Jesus has said that when two are married they should not be separated.However it now seems easy to get a canonical dispensation or annulment.
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Now all this has become official and formal with the announcement of Amoris Laeitia.Just as it was wrongly allowed by a few American bishops to give Communion in the hand and this is the norm now, accepted by the Church, it will become common for the divorced to receive the Eucharist.They will be receiving an official approval like a dispensation or annulment.
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So many annulments and dispensations breaking marriages, approving persons living in sin to receive the Eucharist are given.
Why should annulments and dispensations be given, and why in the way it is being done now?
Often the bishop or priest who makes these exceptions does not believe in some teachings of the Church.Even the contemporary popes do not believe.
Pope Benedict in public has rejected the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus according to the 16th century missionaries. Pope Francis does the same.
They both have approved Amoris Laetitia which says there are exceptions to calling mortal sin  a mortal sin.(301) .They are both saying that we can know of cases when people living in manifest mortal sin will not be going to Hell if they die immediately.
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They both have approved the present system for annulments and dispensations.
They both now also approve the Eucharist being given to Catholic politicians who approve abortion in the USA and those who support same sex marriages in Britain.
Why do Catholics ask for these annulments and dispensations ? Even Catholics who are critical of Amoris Laetitia ?
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David Domet at the blog Vox Cantoris left his first wife and accepted an annulment and then married again.He is allowed to receive the Eucharist.
Louie Verrecchio at the blog AKA Catholic, who is also critical of Amoris Laeitia, got a dispensation to marry and live with a non Catholic. It is not considered adultery by him. He too can receive the Eucharist like the 'irregular cases' in the USA and Philippines.They will all now be 'regular'.
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Christopher Ferrara married a Protestant who is now a Catholic.At that time he too did not affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, as did the 16th century missionaries. For him hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance are known exceptions. This is similar to the exceptions to mortal sin : situation ethics, subjectivism, known exceptions to salvation and moral theology.
Possibly he too got an annulment, even though his wife was outside the Church according to the traditional  teachings.These are just a few of them. There could be many more out there.
When Jesus said that marriage must not be broken, why do Catholics ask for a separation, only because it is easily available in the present times?
With the annulment, the sin has been condoned and now the Eucharist is not received sacrilegiously? Like the divorced and remarried who will be given the Eucharist in the Philippines and Florida?
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' is can no longer simply be said that all those in any “irregular” situation are living in a state of mortal sin and are deprived of sanctifying grace.'(Amoris Laeitia. 301) since they have got an annulment or dispensation ? An official approval ?
What happens to the first wife or husband and the children left behind?
I ask this in general and not with reference to any specific person.
I am not judging or condemning any one but calling attention to how easily annulments and dispensations are given and now Amoris Laetitia offers another Church-approved means to strike at the family.
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May be the divorced and remarried in the future will just have to pay the fees and it will all be done.
Jesus did not create any loop holes for divorce or separation 1.
The Staff Apologist at Catholic Answers says that the Church has no right to nullify a marriage 2.However the loop hole, the exception clause, now is to assume that the marriage was not valid in the first place and then terminate it.( Subjectivism? Situation ethics? How can they really know ? And in so many cases?).It was not a Sacrament in the first place??!!! This is the reasoning to break a marriage officially?
Why are annulments given based on such reasoning?
-Lionel Andrades

Does Jesus leave a loophole for divorce in Matthew 19:9?

Full Question

I believe the Bible when it says he who divorces and marries another commits adultery, as we see in Mark 10:1-12 and Luke 16:18. But isn't Jesus leaving a loophole when he says in Matthew 19:9 "except for unchastity"?


What may appear as a loophole is a consequence of misinterpretation or mistranslation. The King James Version and others translate the passage into English words that appear to say fornication, unchastity, or adultery are exceptions that allow a divorce.
The constant teaching of the Church has been that a valid sacramental marriage can not be broken, even if one party sins. As Matthew 19:6 says, "Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate." Biblical scholars, such as J. Bonsirven, have pointed out that the Greek word that is pivotal here is "porneia," which means unlawful sexual intercourse. The Gospel does not use the Greek word "moicheia," which is the ordinary Greek word for adultery.
The intent appears to be to distinguish a true marriage from concubinage. What is being said is that if a man and a woman are in fact married, the bond is inseparable. But if they are not married, just "living together," then there is no lawful marriage and there can be a separation or annulment. The wording of the New American Bible for Matthew 19:9 is a translation that gives us this sense.


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Louie Verrecchio too accepts the magisterium and the dispensation given to him as opposed to what the Church has always taught.: pre- figures Amoris Laeitia

Vox Cantoris offended : new theology was used to grant liberal dispensations and annulments

The new theology was used to justify liberal dispensations and annulments.This is the practical 'exceptions factory' that we all know of: Amoris Laetitia officially approves this

So there cannot be any known case of someone saved who is living in mortal sin. Similarly there cannot be any known case of someone saved with the baptism of desire and in invincible ignorance without the baptism of water

If we eliminate the 'known exceptions' theory, Cardinal Marx and Cardinal Kasper would have to admit that there is no change in doctrine : Vatican Council II supports the 16th century Jesuit missionaries

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