Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Lumen Gentium was written assuming 'there are known cases of known salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church'! In this way there was a change in ecclesiology : Magisterial heresy

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From the blog 1Peter5 : In His Own Words: Cardinal Schönborn on Exhortation’s Deepest Concerns
At the last Synod, I proposed a reading key that aroused many discussions and was still recorded in the Relatio post disceptationem, that is no longer present in the final document, Relatio Synodi.  It was an analogy with the ecclesiological reading key given by Lumen gentium, the constitution on the Church in its article 8.  The question in question is: “Where do you find Christ’s Church?  Where is it concretely embodied?  Does the Church of Jesus Christ exist, as he wanted it and founded it?”  The Council answered this with the famous affirmation: “The only Church of Jesus Christ subsists in the Catholic Church”, subsistit in Ecclesia catholica.  It is not a pure and simple identification, as if it says that the Church of Jesus Christ is the Catholic Church.  The Council affirmed: “it subsists in the Catholic Church” united to the Pope and the legitimate bishops.  The Council adds this phrase which has become key: “Although many elements of sanctification and of truth are found outside of its visible structure, these elements, as gifts belonging to the Church of Christ, are forces impelling towards catholic unity.” The other confessions, the other Churches, the other religions are not simply nothing.  The Vatican excludes an ecclesiology of all or nothing.

The issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC- Musings of a Pertinacious Papist 

Lumen Gentium was written assuming 'there are known cases of known salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church'.
In this way there was a change in ecclesiology. This is how Pope Benedict says there is a development of doctrine and extra ecclesiam nulla salus is no more like in the 16th century Catholic Church.
'The Vatican excludes an ecclesiology of all or nothing,'since there is known salvation outside the Church for the Vatican.
It is from here that Cardinal Kasper and Cardinal Schonborn get their change in ecclesiology. Ecclesiology has changed  because for them, there is salvation outside the Church. Salvation outside the visible boundaries of the Church refers to known salvation,otherwise how would they know there is salvation outside the Church ?.
Known salvation outside the Church ? Whom do we know who will be saved without the baptism of water in the Church.? Whom do we know who is in Heaven without the baptism of water? No one!
It was upon this false premise ( being able to see people in Heaven without the baptism of water) and the false inference ( these visible people in Heaven saved outside the Church, are explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) that  Lumen Gentium 8,14 etc indicate that there is  salvation outside the Church and so ecclesiology has been changed .
Even a young boy or a non Catholic would know that we humans cannot know any one saved outside the Church.
There are no such cases agrees the the Dr. Phil Blosser, Professor of Philosophy and  blogmaster of  Musings of a Pertinacious Papist.

The issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC- Musings of a Pertinacious Papist 1


Dr. Phil Blosser was responding to this comment:-
Lionel: On the hierarchy of values of Pope John Paul II, we are dealing with first class heresy.
Since in reality the Nicene Creed has been changed.Before the Council of Trent the Nicene Creed did not mean 'I believe in three or more known baptisms for the forgiveness of sins and they exclude the baptism of water. They are the baptism of desire ( without the baptism of water), being saved in invincible ignorance ( without the baptism of water etc'.

We are theologically rejecting John 3:5 and Mark 16:15 by suggesting not everyone in the present times needs to be a formal member of the Church with faith and the baptism of water.

Theologically we are rejecting the Great Commission by suggestig that there is known salvation outside the Church.

This issue is central to the divide in the Catholic Church over Vatican Council II.It is at the centre of the SSPX-Vatican reconcliation.

It will be wrongly used by Cardinal Walter Kasper to suggest that doctrine and dogma has changed in the Catholic Church ( with the use of an irrational inference which he will not mention) and so the Church can change its other teachings e.g giving the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried.

Ths issue is at the centre of mission and evangelisation based on the knowledge of the majority of people going to Hell because of Original Sin and mortal sins committed in that state.

This issue decides if the Traditional Latin Mass( and the Novus Ordo Mass) is offered with the old ecclesiology or the new ecclesiology.The present the new theology of the TLM is based upon an irrationality.

This issue decides if Vatican Council II is not an exception to the dogma EENS and so there is no change presently in post Vatican Council II ecumenism and inter religious dialogue based upon the text of Vatican Council II which can be interpreted with Feeneyism, instead of the present Cushingism.-Lionel Andrades

 APRIL 6, 2016

Yes! I am glad you have understood what I have been saying! Praised be Jesus and Our Lady.The issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC

MARCH 29, 2016

"Thanks for providing this! God bless the Society!", " I agree with much of what Lionel says"

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