Saturday, April 16, 2016

Magdi Cristiano Allam: The Islamic Invasion of Italy

Magdi Cristiano Allam: The Islamic Invasion of Italy
by Magdi Cristiano Allam

Dear Friends,
Now it is everyday that thousands of clandestines are landing in Italy.
The Public Prosecutor’s office in Palermo which has just arrested some illegal immigrant smugglers, says that every clandestine coming from the Libyan coasts pays between 1200 and 3500 each.  
Matteo Renzi (the Prime Minister) denies that Italy is being invaded by clandestines and condemns Austria because it intends to put up a wall at the Brenner Pass.
And tomorrow Pope Francis will be going to bring his solidarity to the clandestines on the Greek island of Lesbos, asking Greece to favour reception of a greater number of clandestines, despite the fact that the Greeks are worn out by poverty and exasperated with the clandestine invasion.
Dear friends, wouldn’t it be only right to block the criminal activity of the smugglers of illegal immigrants? Wouldn’t it be only right to close the Italian frontiers to this invasion of clandestines? Wouldn’t it be only right to put before the interests of the Italians and Greeks inside their own home [countries] rather than to privilege clandestines?  Wouldn’t it be only right for the Pope to attend primarily to the fate of persecuted Christians on the other side of the Mediterranean, rather than favour the invasion of Islamic clandestines

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