Monday, April 11, 2016

"More is involved here than mere ignorance"

Getting on the bandwagon...

"More is involved here than mere ignorance"
"A subject may know full well the rule, yet have great difficulty in understanding its inherent values."

I find this one of the most baffling statements in Amoris Laetitia - what is its point?

That in this fallen world we are often perfectly aware of what is right and yet we do wrong anyway?

Or that we know what She says, but deny the Church's authority to transmit and interpret God's law?

Not sure how the first would mitigate culpability, not sure how the second would involve anyone who gives a tinker's dam what a Church document allows or forbids or even says about anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
Can you imagine saying this about any other trangression?

"A subject may know full well the rule [against paedophilia], yet have great difficulty in understanding its inherent values."

"A subject may know full well the rule [against lending at usury], yet have great difficulty in understanding its inherent values."

"A subject may know full well the rule [against cheating at cards], yet have great difficulty in understanding its inherent values."

"A subject may know full well the rule [against beating your wife], yet have great difficulty in understanding its inherent values."

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