Friday, April 1, 2016

Pope Benedict's recent interview with Avvenire on extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II was a preparation for the Exhortation on the Synod to be announced this month

There will be a post Synod Exhortation in which the two popes will approve giving the Eucharist to the divorced and remarried as being an acceptable norm.
They will justify this innovation by citing a change in ecclesiology.For the two popes the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus has been discarded.This was done by assuming hypothetical cases are visible in the present times. So the two popes accepted that the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance,mentioned in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949, refers to not hypothetical cases but objectively seen persons in the present times, and so they are exceptions to the interpretation of the dogma EENS according to the 16th century missionaries.So there is a new theology, based on being able to see theoretical cases in the present times. More important, there is a change in ecclesiology now, a dogma has developed.Since LG 16 refers not to invisible but visible cases, Vatican Council II has changed the teaching on EENS. So it will be reasoned by Cardinal Kasper, with the support of the popes,that if ecclesiology can be changed then why not the teaching on giving the Eucharist to Catholics living in mortal sin ?
The traditionalists will be unprepared. Especially those traditionalists who have had their religious formation in some way with Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. They use the same irrational inference to interpret Vatican Council II and EENS, as the two popes.
Pope Benedict's recent interview with Avvenire on extra ecclesiam nulla salus  and Vatican Council II was a preparation for the Exhortation on the Synod to be announced this month.Traditionalists instead of criticising it , except for Chris Ferrara, have welcomed it and praised it.-Lionel Andrades 
Pope Benedict, Cardinal Kasper's false arguments for Synod Report : Vatican Council II agrees with the dogma extra ecclesiam nullas salus as it was interpreted by the 16th century missionaries
Pope Benedict's heretical interview to Avvenire prepares Catholics to receive a sacrilegeous Synod report after Easter

Pope Francis interprets Vatican Council II with an irrationality as do the traditionalists: the result is heresy
Pope Francis, Ethika Politika and the traditionalists interpret Vatican Council II and also the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus with an irrational inference

Related imagePope Benedict must be asked to come back to the faith

Card. Ratzinger interpreted Vatican Council II with an irrationality when a rational option was available .He then excommunicated Abp. Lefebvre and the SSPX bishops for not accepting this heretical version of the faith

The excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre by the CDF Prefect, like that of Fr.Leonard Feeney by the Holy Office (CDF) in 1949, was an injustice.There was no known salvation outside the Church

You can interpret Vatican Council II without the new theology. Try it and see

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