Sunday, April 17, 2016

So when Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z say there is no doctrinal change in Vatican Council II ( interpreted with exceptions) or in AL ( with known exceptions) are they really protecting themself ?

Comments from the blogpost 1Peter5: On Change for Divorced and Remarried, Pope Francis Says “Yes”
Image courtesy of Vatican Radio/EPA

el ingeniero loco:
I would even argue it did not change anything although
However if Cardinal Burke and Fr.Z said that there are no known exceptions to the traditional theology on morals and faith, since humanly speaking we cannot know of any exceptions,then would they be excommunicated?
If they said that there are no known exceptions to the moral teaching on concubinage, adultery and mortal sin, so there is nothing in Amoris Laetitiae to change the teachings of the Church would they be in trouble?
National Catholic Register
Cardinal Burke has said that AL does not change the traditional teaching.However he does not affirm the  dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) like the 16th century missionaries.So for him there are exceptions in Vatican Council II. If there are exceptions then it means that there are known exceptions.Since if something is not known, not visible, it cannot be an exception. So for him there are known exceptions to the dogma EENS and the traditional theology on salvation.
The same is true also for Fr.Z.
Now AL 301 says that a mortal sin is not always a mortal sin, or concubinage is not always a mortal sin. So it means there are exceptions.This is the new moral theology being taught at pontifical universities for a long time.It was probably part of the priestly formation of Fr.Z.I do not know about Cardinal Burke.
Cardinal Burke would have sent seminarians to the pontifical colleges and they would have  been taught that there were exceptions.
So now could Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z say that there cannot be any known exception to the traditional teaching on mortal sin ?
Could they say that the conditions of mortal sin mentioned in the Catechism of the Catholic Church refer to hypothetical, theoretical cases. They cannot be defacto known .We cannot say that someone living in objective mortal sin, will not go to Hell due to ignorance or some social factor.This is something only God can know. So it is always hypothetical for us.
However if they do say-  this will they be excommunicated?
We must remember that Fr.Leonard Feeney in Boston said there were no known exceptions to the traditional teaching on the dogma EENS and he was excommunicated.
Archbishop Richard Cushing maintained that there was known salvation outside the Church e.g invincible ignorance etc, and he was not considered by Rome to be irrational or in heresy.
Today priests who say that there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS, cannot be incardinated in Rome.
So when Cardinal Burke and Fr. Z say there is no doctrinal change in Vatican Council II ( interpreted with exceptions) or in AL ( with known exceptions) are they really protecting themself ?-Lionel Andrades

What if Cardinal Burke and Fr. Zuhlsdorf said that there are no known exceptions to Catholic moral and salvation theology ?.Would they lose their religious faculties in Rome?

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