Tuesday, April 12, 2016

We have the Anonymous Christian according to the Catechism of the Catholic Church approved by Cardinal Ratzinger and Cardinal Schonborn

Photo Courtesy of CNS

Pope Benedict Breaks His Silence On 

“Deep Crisis”


  philosophizer  24 days ago

Theologically he has not rejected the 
Anonymous Christian theory of his friend
 Fr. Karl Rahner. Since the Catechism of the
 Catholic Church 846 says all who are saved
 are saved through Jesus and the Church.
 He means there is salvation outside the 
Church and a person can be saved in another
 religion through Jesus and the Church.
This 'new theology' is based on the error
 in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.The
 Letter wrongly assumed hypothetical cases
 were known exceptions to the dogma extra
 ecclesiam nulla salus.(EENS). So it 
wrongly assumed that there were known
 cases of people saved with the baptism
 of desire or invincible ignorance, without
 the baptism of water.
This is false. Since no one in the present
 or past, could have seen, known or met 
someone saved without the baptism of 
water. These cases would have been in 
However for Pope Benedict there is
 salvation outside the Church and so 
he rejects the dogma EENS.It is 
upon this irrationality, of being able to
 see people in Heaven who are exceptions to 
EENS, that he has rejected the dogma EENS
 and assumes there is salvation outside the
 Catholic Church.

Below, I have posted the full text of what Pope Emeritus
 Benedict said in the interview section referred to
 regarding the Anonymous Christian. I am still trying to
 work through what he said on my own trying to
see if he fully rejected the anonymous Christian or if
 he was seeking to clarify that salvation only comes
 through Christ even if one does not fully know Christ.
Lionel: This is not the issue. Here he refers to
 a hypothetical issue. It is theoretical.Speculative.
The issue is does every one need to be a formal 
member of the Church for salvation? This was 
rejected by Fr.Rahner since he accepted salvation
 outside the Church. So did  Fr.Ratzinger. Their
 new theology was based on salvation outside
 the Church. There were exceptions to the 
Feeneyite interpretation of EENS.
So since there were exceptions it mean 
someone could be saved in another religion.
 He would be saved through Jesus and the 
Church (CCC 846). So we have the Anonymous
 Christian according to the Catechism of the
 Catholic Church approved by Cardinal Ratzinger 
and Cardinal Schonborn.
 I appreciated your answer above and wondered
 if the full text changes your interpretation of wha
t the pope emeritus meant versus what the reporter
wrote (and if so, how)?
Lionel:It does not change what I wrote
Thank you very much!
"Lately several attempts have been formulated
 in order to reconcile the universal necessity
 of the Christian faith with the opportunity to
save oneself without it.
Lionel: 'With the opportunity to save
 oneself without it'?! He considers it
 a possibility.
 I will mention here two: first, the well-known
 thesis of the anonymous Christians of Karl Rahner.
Lionel: Which is based on 'the opportunity
 to save oneself without being a formal
 member of the Church' and is part of
 the new theology incorporated in CCC
 846 and 1257.
 He sustains that the basic, essential act at the
basis of Christian existence, decisive for salvation
in the transcendental structure of our 
consciousness, consists in the opening to the 
entirely Other, toward unity with God. The Christian
 faith would in this view cause to rise to 
consciousness what is structural in man as such. 
So when a man accepts himself in his essential
 being, he fulfills the essence of being a Christian
 without knowing what it is in a conceptual 
way. The Christian, therefore, coincides with
 the human and, in this sense, every man who
 accepts himself is a Christian even if he does
 not know it.
Lionel: The dogma extra ecclesiam nulla 
salus says outside the Church there is 
no salvation. Cantate Dominio, Council
 of Florence 1441 mentions schismatics
 ( Orthodox Christians) and heretics 
( Protestants) being on the way to 
Hell. They believe in God and even
 believe in Christ.
 It is true that this theory is fascinating,
but it reduces Christianity itself to a pure
conscious presentation of what a human
 being is in himself and therefore overlooks
the drama of change and renewal that is
 central to Christianity.
Lionel: Words.The real issue is that there is 
no known salvation outside the Church.
 So there are no known exceptions to
 the dogma EENS.

 Even less acceptable is the solution proposed
 by the pluralistic theories of religion, for which
 all religions, each in their own way, would be
 ways of salvation and in this sense, in their effects
must be considered equivalent.
Lionel: The International Theological 
Commission in a theological paper 
titled Christianity and the World 
Religions supports a theology of 
religions. It was approved by Cardinal
This was possible since there is salvation
 outside the Church for Pope Benedict
 and Cardinal Luiz Ladaria 
( Ex-President,ITC).

 The critique of religion of the kind exercised
 in the Old Testament, in the New Testament
and in the early Church is essentially more
realistic, more concrete and true in its
examination of the various religions.
Such a simplistic reception is not
 proportional to the magnitude of the issue."
Lionel: I don't know what he is referring 
to here.
-Lionel Andrades

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