Thursday, April 21, 2016

With Amoris Laeititia's 'situation ethics', 'subjectivism' and 'known exceptions to mortal sin', the traditional doctrine on mortal sin, salvation, receiving the Eucharist and sacrilege has been changed.


From the blog 1Peter5 : Cardinal Marx: “No Situation in Which Someone Is Excluded”
Cardinal Marx added that Pope Francis, in his exhortation, did not “have to change the great doctrinal teaching...

Lionel: John Vennari and Christopher Ferrara call it 'Situation Ethics' 1 and Father Matthias Guadron ,SSPX calls is 'subjectivism'.2
They are both referring to the new moral theology, which supposes
(1) hypothetical theories or factors are known.So there could be some or many people living in mortal sin who will not go to Hell since they are 'exceptions'.
(2) It assumes we can physically see Catholics in Heaven who were living in mortal sin on earth. So it concludes that there are exceptions to the traditional teaching on morals.
So with Amoris Laeititia's 'situation ethics', 'subjectivism' and 'known exceptions to mortal sin', the traditional doctrine on mortal sin, salvation, receiving the Eucharist and sacrilege has been changed.
So why does Cardinal Marx say that Pope Francis, in his exhortation, did not “have to change the great doctrinal teaching..."
The moral theology of the 16th century did not state that there were known exceptions to mortal sin.So doctrine on morals has been changed.Amoris Laetitia says there are exceptions(301)
The salvation theology of the 16th century did not state that there were known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).Pope Benedict confirmed that the dogma EENS is no more interpreted like in the 16th century. So doctrine has been changed.
National Catholic Register 
Why does Cardinal Raymond Burke state that Amoris Laetitia reflects 'the constant teaching of the Church and her discipline' and ' does not propose new doctrine and discipline, but applies the perennial doctrine and discipline...'? 3
-Lionel Andrades

Situation Ethics Enshrined - Q & A on Francis' Amoris Laetitia

Father Mathias Guadron, SSPX has got it right : there are no known exceptions to the traditional moral teachings.The new moral theology is based on an irrationality

‘Amoris Laetitia’ and the Constant Teaching and Practice of the Church

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