Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Yes! I am glad you have understood what I have been saying! Praised be Jesus and Our Lady.The issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC

Comments from the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

Mr. Andrades,

Thanks for the explanation. Put simply, then, the concern you raise is at the very heart of the Church's Mission, as well as at the heart of the slough of indifferentism that currently afflicts the Church, the collapse of her mission work, widespread lack of concern over formal Church membership and the sacraments of the Church, much less an ascetical spirituality of penance. Thanks for putting it all into a nutshell like that. So the issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC, though allowing the hypothetical possibility of God saving some in invincible ignorance or via the 'baptisms' of desire, blood, etc.?

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist
I am glad you have understood what I have been saying! Praised be Jesus and Our Lady.
Yes! - ' the issue comes down to our having no known cases of known salvation outside formal membership in the RCC, though allowing the hypothetical possibility of God saving some in invincible ignorance or via the 'baptisms' of desire, blood, etc ( which would include the baptism of water)- and it still would be hypothetical and a possibility known only to God.
-Lionel Andrades

In the hierarchy of values of Pope John Paul II, we are dealing with first class heresy

The Catechism and Vatican Council II are not a break with the dogma EENS unless invisible and visible, hypothetical and objective cases are confused : how would Dr.Robert Hickson interpret CCC 1257 ?

Cardinal Ratzinger, Fr.John Hardon and Robert Hickson were interpreting the Catechism and Vatican Council II with irrational Cushingism as a theology


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