Saturday, May 14, 2016


by Michael Voris, S.T.B.  •  •  May 14, 2016    
As the fourth-century Father of the Church St. Augustine proclaimed, "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you."
What plagues the Church now is one of the greatest crises in Her 2000-year history. It needs people praying and working to battle this crisis — people totally and completely dedicated to the love of souls, committed to work for their salvation — for this is what the crisis is about: salvation and damnation.
This is the entire story of the Church, the spiritual war we are baptized to engage in. As Pope Leo XIII put it, "Catholics are born for combat." It should not be surprising that the same Pope who reminded Catholics of their spiritual call to arms is the same one who gave us the prayer to St. Michael.
For the past 50 or so years, the laity have been witness to, as well as victims of, an increasing loss of faith among the clergy. That loss of supernatural faith began more than a century before, so what we are heirs of right now is a nearly two-century crisis that only became visible to the laity in the past half century.
Some Catholics remained valiant in the face of all this. They held the fort, so to speak, against the most diabolical attacks the Church had undergone since the Protestant Revolt 500 years ago. These Catholics — mostly laity, but many clergy as well, God bless them all — preserved authentic Catholicism in their daily lives. They formed the backbone of what we could call a resistance within the Church — a resistance against forces of Modernism, which Pope St. Pius X rightly called "the synthesis of all heresies."
What is needed now — immediately — is the marshalling of the forces of men of good will, of Catholics deeply committed to Our Lord and His Blessed Mother. These Catholics, born for combat, need to enter in the battle with a ferocity that the enemy has been engaged in for two centuries. Much ground has been ceded, innumerable souls lost.  
We must build on the efforts of those who came before us and solidify their sacrifices and form a resistance movement within the Church — not to topple Her, as heretic priest Martin Luther did, but to root out his disciples still present in the Church. In a way, Church Militant and St. Michael's Media have already been doing this in an unconscious manner for a while now, but today we are formally announcing the formation of The Resistance.
We intend to begin a surge, a counter-offensive, a resistance to the filth, as Pope Benedict styled it. This is the Church of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She has been mistreated and abused by many of Her shepherds and priests. Her members have walked away from Her into ruin. The time has come to resist these evils on every front, in parishes, in chanceries, in universities, in religious congregations — in short, everywhere they have seized control in the Church. 
This presentation is just an introduction. We will be bringing all these efforts on line over the next few weeks and couple of months. If you have read our book "Militant," you have a kind of manifesto of the overall effort. That, we assure you, is just a beginning. We are all responsible to Almighty God to do whatever we are capable of doing to save souls.  
Look for more, much more, coming soon.

Michael Voris is a multiple Emmy-award winning TV producer/reporter with more than 20 years experience in broadcast journalism. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame ('83) with a degree in Communications and also received his theologian's credentials with an S.T.B. (summa cum laude) from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome (The Angelicum) in 2009. 

Follow Michael on Twitter@Michael_Voris

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