Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Pope Francis' exhortation Amoris Laeitia is based upon this irrationality and innovation in Catholic morals : Fr.Thomas Rosica, says we may not judge individuals

"May our way of communicating help to overcome the mind-set that neatly separates sinners from the righteous," he said. "We can and we must judge situations of sin – such as violence, corruption and exploitation – but we may not judge individuals, since only God can see into the depths of their hearts." -Fr.Thomas Rosica


but we may not judge individuals, since only God can see into the depths of their hearts
This is contrary to Pope John PaulI's moral encyclical Veritatis Splendor which says we can judge a mortal sin and the outward action indicates the subjective state.
It also states that some sins are intrinsically evil.
Veritatsi Spendor is critical of the Fundamental Option Theory of Fr. Bernard Haring and Fr.Charles Curran which states that even though a person may be in objective mortal sin, we cannot judge him, since subjectively he may be choosing an option for the good.In other words Harding and Curran could judge these hypothetical cases. Then based upon this theoretical case, they created a new rule in mortal theology which said others could not judge .They also did away with the traditional concept of mortal sin.
This is the moral theology, with numerous 'permutations, probailities and possibilities',  which is taught at pontifical universities.Pope Francis' exhortation Amoris Laeitia is based upon this irrationality and innovation in Catholic morals.
-Lionel Andrades

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