Saturday, May 7, 2016

Pope Francis uses an irrational premise to draw a non traditional and heretical conclusion on Methodists and salvation

More Theological Confusion Follows Pope's Meeting With Methodists
Pope Francis reminds Methodists of the common baptism. He said the baptismal faith is responsible for really converting us into brothers and sisters.He was speaking to a Methodist delegation and was welcoming a new Methodist headquarters in Rome.
The pope does not believe that the Catholic Church is necessary for salvation.For him every one does not need to be a formal member of the Church for salvation.Instead he holds the pro-Masonic position on salvation, as did Pope Benedict XVI. For them there is salvation outside the Church even though no one in the present times or in the past knew, or could know,  of someone saved outside the Church.
It is by assuming that hypothetical cases and subjective cases are explicit, objectively visible in the present times, that the popes have been able to discard the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.It is with this irrational theology that they interpret Vatican Council II.
If invisible cases were not visible for Pope Francis, if LG 16 would refer to only a hypothetical case for him, then Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) would be saying that all Protestants, need Catholic Faith for salvation, and there would be no exceptions mentioned in Vatican Council II.It would also mean that there would be no exceptions in Vatican Council II to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, which indicates Protestants are on the way to the fires of Hell unless they formally convert into the Catholic Church.
Pope Francis has in the past presented a kerygma which is based on Jesus Death and Sacrifice as a means of salvation and excludes the necessity of membership in  Jesus ' Mystical Body, the Church.
So the Nicene Creed's ' I believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sin', which refers to the visible,  known and repeatable baptism, the baptism of water, has been changed to 'I believe in three or more baptisms, which exclude the baptism of water. They are the baptism of desire and blood, seeds of the Word, imperfect communion with the Church etc'.This is a new doctrine and is first class heresy .
So the pope has discarded the dogma EENS and the Nicene Creed, by changing its meaning.He does this by using an irrational premise ( we can physically see and  know exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus).So the conclusion, the inference is non traditional and heretical.In this way he has changed Catholic salvation theology.
This has also been his approach with moral theology and this can be seen in the exhortation Amoris Laetitia n.301.He supposes that a priest could judge the conscience of a person living in manifest mortal sin and declare the person not to be in sin.Subjective factors which would only be known to God are considered objective and so the traditional teaching on mortal sin is rejected.
Similarly if a married couple decides that according to their conscience there marriage was not valid, even though it was a Sacrament, an annulment is easily given to break up the family.
Archbishop Bruno Forte. Image courtesy of
Steve Skojec

Steve Skojec on the blog 1Peter5 reports ' Archbishop Forte has in fact revealed a “behind the scenes” [moment] from the Synod: “If we speak explicitly about communion for the divorced and remarried,” said Archbishop Forte, reporting a joke of Pope Francis, “you do not know what a terrible mess we will make. So we won’t speak plainly, do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.
“Typical of a Jesuit,” Abp Forte joked, attributing to that suggestion a wisdom that has allowed the maturation necessary to conclude that Amoris Laetitia, as Abp. Bruno Forte explained, does not represent a new doctrine, but the “merciful application” of that [the doctrine]of all time.'1
''do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.
The premise is that there is known salvation outside the Church and the conclusion is that the dogma EENS is not longer valid.
The premise is that we know of people saved without the baptism of water and the conclusion is that there is salvation outside the Church. So there is a new doctrine on salvation.
The premise is that we can know objectively subjective factors which would indicate that a person in manifest mortal sin is not going to Hell and so the conclusion is that there are exceptions to the traditional understanding on mortal sin.
Since the premise for Pope Francis is that there is known salvation outside the Church, the conclusion for Pope Francis, is that  all Methodists and Protestants do not need to convert into the Catholic Church to be saved from Hell. -Lionel Andrades


Forte: Pope Did Not Want to Speak “Plainly” Of Communion for Remarried

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