Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Pro life vigils in front of hospitals on Saturday

There will be prayers said this Saturday morning from 9 a.m to 12 p.m outside the hospital San Giovanni in Laterano dell' Addolorata,Rome, opposite the Basilica of Giovanni in Laterano, where abortions are done. The prayer meeting is organised by Pietro Guerini.
Ospedale San Giovanni Addolorata Roma
International participants for the March for Life on Sunday, who are in Rome are welcome to join in the praying of the rosary.
On Saturday throughout Italy there will be groups praying in front of hospitals from 9 a.m to 12 p.m.The pro life vigils in front of hospitals are held every second month on the first Saturday.
-Lionel Andrades

L'aborto uccide i bambini.
        Si puòi avere un aborto qui.

9 Week Abortion (01)

10 Week Abortion (11)

22 Week Abortion (01)


Italian newspapers maintain censorship on thousands of Italian babies killed in local hospitals in a cruel way

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