Tuesday, May 17, 2016

There is still hope that the SSPX can turn things around without compromising on Vatican Council II ( interpreted with the irrrational premise and conclusion)

There is a factual error in Vatican Council II and the SSPX does not want to admit it and so say that they were  wrong all these years and the two popes do not want to admit it and say that the Council supports the rigorist interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) .They both have their interests.
The St.Benedict Centers, Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary,  also  do not want to comment on this issue since they have made the same mistake as the SSPX on Vatican Council II.
Archbishop Bruno Forte. Image courtesy of Zonalocale.it
This month Archbishop Forte quoted Pope Francis saying 'do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.
The premises are there in Vatican  Council and the popes draw a conclusion which is a break with Tradition and so they welcome this interpretation of Vatican Council II.
I interpret Vatican Council II without the premise and so the conclusion is not a break with Tradition.The magisterium and the SSPX will not discuss this to protect their interests.
They want to interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise to reach an irrational conclusion and then the SSPX rejects Vatican Council II while the popes accept Vatican Council II.Both use the same irrational reasoning as the basis of their new theology
Once before when the Vatican was about to reach an agreement with the SSPX, without accepting Vatican Council II, the reconciliation was blocked since a lobby wanted the SSPX to accept Vatican Council II with the premise and the irrational conclusion. 
Image result for photo turn things aroundImage result for photo turn things aroundImage result for photo turn things around
There is still hope that the SSPX can turn things around.

If the SSPX says that there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENs and there are no known exceptions to the dogma EENS in Vatican Council II and they would be willing to accept this interpretation of Vatican Council II, there will be a world wide political storm. 
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There will be protests from the familiar quarters saying that this interpretation of Vatican Council II is unacceptable.They will insist that the SSPX accept Vatican Council II with the irrational premise.
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For Pope Francis and Cardinal Kasper interpreting Vatican Council II without the irrational premise,  would be unthinkable.
Really, it is because the SSPX bishops and priests are not thinking that they interpret Vatican Council II with the false premise to reach a false conclusion acceptable to the Left and the Vatican.
Why does Bishop Williamson not go ahead and interpret Vatican Council II without the  familiar premise? He does not have to please the different lobbies. Pope Francis has said that it is not possible to dialogue with Bishop Williamson. Does it mean that Bishop Fellay will be ready to accept Vatican Council II with the false premise ?. 
Only because Bishop Fellay is willing to dialogue that his branch of the SSPX are on the way to full communion and not BIshop Williamson and the SSPX Resistance ?
Even Bishop Williamson is a Catholic.
Or is Bishop Williamson not a Catholic for Pope Francis, since he denies the Holocaust figure while Bishop Fellay does not do this?

Either of the two, Bishops Fellay or Williamson,  have simply to say:-
1.There are no known cases of the baptism of desire or being saved in invincible ignorance in 2016.This is factual. There cannot be any such known case.
2.LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases.So they are not objectively known exceptions to EENS, according to the 16th century missionaries.
3.Conclusion : So Vatican Council II is not a break with EENS and the Syllabus of Errors. There is no known salvation outside the Church. So there is no new ecclesiology.

They should put these three points before the Vatican for a dialogue on Vatican Council II.

Pope Francis has said that 'the Second Vatican Council has its value.' 
He means Vatican Council II can only have a value  :-
1.There are known cases of the baptism of desire or being saved in invincible ignorance in 2016.

2.LG 16, LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc in Vatican Council II refer to hypothetical cases which are objectively known exceptions to extra ecclesiam nulla salus  according to the 16th century missionaries.

3.Conclusion : So Vatican Council II is a break with EENS and the Syllabus of Errors. There is known salvation outside the Church. So there is a new ecclesiology.
.-Lionel Andrades

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