Saturday, May 7, 2016

We have to keep the Rahner-Ratzinger theology before us. Understand it and then chuck it out!

From the blog 1Peter5 : Out of the Rabbit Hole by Steve Skojec
Steve Skojec writes:
In the real world, in the Church, we have been fooled. We have been fed a meticulously-crafted illusion, a normalcy bias that innoculates us against an authentic understanding of what has actually transpired — and is still happening even now. It blinds us to what is unfolding right in front of our eyes. In our case, there is no pill, no potion, only God’s grace. If you sincerely ask Him to help you see the truth, He will show it to you.
Lionel:The teachings of the Church have been changed with a theology which confuses the visible/invisible distinction. Theology is the lens, it is the prism, through which we see something, a concept, a faith-teaching. It is like using different coloured lens to see an object.
But once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Lionel: What you see is created  with a theology which confuses the visible/invisible distinction.I repeat,theology is the lens, it is the prism, through which we see something, a concept, a faith-teaching. It is like using different coloured lens to see an object.
You can unsee for example your interpretation of  Vatican Council II.
Until then, my friend Hilary White has just produced two very important essays.
Lionel: She does not realize that the teachings of the Church have been changed with a theology which confuses the visible/invisible distinction. Theology is the lens, it is the prism, through which we see something, a concept, a faith-teaching. It is like using different coloured lens to see an object.
 The truth is, he did not get here alone. He is the culmination of decades of defiance and denial of the true identity of the Church from successors of St. Peter. Those who are at this very moment questioning what Pope Francis is doing to Church teaching must, if they have any concern for The Real, evaluate what was done at the time of, and directly following, the Second Vatican Council.
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Lionel: Without the theology being used by Steve Skojec, , Hilary White and Maike Hickson, Vatican Council II supports the 'rigorist interpretation' of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.So the fault is not there with Vatican Council II but the theology being used to interpret it.
Hilary’s second essay, “How to get out of the Matrix on your own“, attempts to tackle this problem:
Lionel: In these books recommended by Hilary the change which has come into the Church has been observed  but they are not aware of the theology based on an irrational premise which has created the change.More important, they were unaware that without this theology,Vatican Council II is orthodox.
Michael Davies: everything...
To sum up, Francis isn’t a weird and inexplicable anomaly. He’s really just the logical conclusion of what has been happening in the Church, and the world, since 1965... (When I mention “intellectual degradation” that’s what I mean. The loss of the ability to employ the basic principles of rational thought.)
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Lionel: Principles of rational thought!!!

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  Abp. LefebvreD. Von Hildebrand, Michael Davies were using an irrational theology to interpret Vatican Council II.They assumed hypothetical cases  were explicit and these explicit cases were exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and the Syllabus of Errors.They also assumed that these hypothetical cases happened without the baptism of water.
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Princples of rational thought!?
What about the Principle of Non Contradiction? How can LG 16 be an exception to the dogma EENS according to Fr.Leonard Feeney? Where are the objective LG 16 cases in 2016? How can LG 8, UR 3, NA 2 etc be objective exceptions or even relevant  to the dogma EENS as it was known to the 16th century Catholic missionaries? Yet this is the irrational reasoning of Hildebrand,Lefebvre and Davies.

There are a number of other titles that are considered de rigeur (or soon will be). But rather than attempt to list the ones I know of here, at the end of an already-long post, I would like to solicit suggestions from you in the comments. If we get enough, I will compile a short bibliography of these works which we can put into the (as yet) little-used resources section of this website for future reference.
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Lionel: There is no understanding of how theology, the new irrational theology conditions our understanding of Vatican Council II.It's like a blind on our eyes. Remove it and Vatican Council II changes before our eyes.

We’ll also be covering this topic more in the immediate future. We’re going to climb out of the rabbit hole. And we’re going to do it together. Stay tuned to find out how you can get your own Post-Conciliar Secret Decoder Ring™!
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Lionel: We have to keep the Rahner-Ratzinger theology before us. Understand it. And then chuck it out! -Lionel Andrades

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