Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Ann Barnhardt is a Catholic even though she violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

After reading this, how can we possibly, possibly believe that this man is the Vicar of Christ, and that there is “no way we can know” his status?  To confess Lutheranism is to not be Catholic.  For Bergoglio to be the Pope requires that he be a CATHOLIC.  So, we are firmly into Principle of Non-Contradiction territory yet again. Bergoglio can not be both Catholic and not Catholic. His confession in the presser is Lutheran...
And neither is mine – reality is reality, and it is my job to conform my rational intellect to it, and the Principle of Non-Contradiction is a foundational plank in that conformation. I cannot, in good conscience, violate the Principle of Non-Contradiction. Calling Jorge Bergoglio “The Vicar of Christ” REQUIRES violation of the Principle of Non-Contradiction, therefore, the premise CANNOT be true. It cannot be included in the domain of “The Real”.
Lionel :
If you accept that the baptism of desire is an exception to all needing to formally enter the Church for salvation( extra ecclesiam nulla salus) then you contradict the principle of identity.Since who could have known of a case of the baptism of desire today or in the past? No one can identify such a case.

For the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 to assume that the baptism of desire was an exceptions to the Feneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS,was contrary to the Principle of Non Contradiction.You cannot really say every one needs to formally enter the Church except for some people, like those saved with the baptism of desire.Every one needs to enter but some do not! 1

Ann Barnhardt rejects Feeneyism and supports Cushingism in the interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus and Vatican Council II. She contradicts the Principle of Non Contradiction in both cases.So would she say that she is outside the Church, according to her own reasoning? Does she not have to be rational, traditional and non heretical to be a Catholic?

It  is a metaphysical law that we cannot see or know persons saved or about to be saved with the baptism of desire, with or without the baptism of water. Yet for Ann the baptism of desire is an exception to the traditional interpretation of the dogma EENs. So it means that the baptism of desire is explicit and objective.This is her premise.With this irrational premise Ann concludes that there are known exceptions to the Feeneyite interpretation of EENS. So for her EENs is no more like it was for the 16th century missionaries.With this irrational reasoning which leads to heresy she considers herself her Catholic.

Then what about the millions of ignorant or partially educated Catholics who do not know all the teachings of the Church? They still are Catholics for me.

There is no principle to support the view that hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire are objective to be an explicit exception to EENS. So how could Fr.Leonard Feeney say that the baptism of desire exists to be an exception to EENS? Where are the baptism of desire cases today ?

Ann Barnhardt violates the Principle of Non Contradiction and I think the mistake is innocent. I accept her as a Catholic. She is a Catholic.
-Lionel Andrades

JUNE 23, 2016
It is a metaphysical law that we cannot see or know persons saved or about to be saved with the baptism of desire, with or without the baptism of water?

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