Monday, June 27, 2016

Bishop Robert Sanborn and Dr.Robert Fastiggi are unaware of Cushing theology and irrational reasoning : at the centre of their debate is really the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Bishop Robert Sanborn and Dr.Robert Fastiggi are both unaware of their Cushing theology. They are using the irrational reasoning.They are both using a false premise as their basis of reasoning.They build their theology upon this false premise in their conclusion one rejects the Council and the latter accepts it.
Both of them are using the new theology, the liberal theology of the present magisterium.The difference is that Bishop Sanborn rejects Vatican Council II(Cushingite) and goes into schism.He thinks Vatican Council (Cushingite) is the cause of the problem.
It is important to note that at the centre of their debate is really extra ecclesiam nulla salus,the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Both of them are mixing up what is invisible as being visible.Hypothetical, theoretical cases are considered practical exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus( Feeneyite).
It is the contemporary magisterium which is Cushingite and Cushingism is non traditional and heretical.It is the cause of the hermeneutic of rupture which Pope Benedict referred to.Though Pope Benedict seemed unaware of the exact cause of this rupture.
It was the false premise and conclusion of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which was accepted by Cardinal Ratzinger and Archbishop Lefebvre.This is the cause of the heresy, among the liberals, traditionalists and sedevacantists.-Lionel Andrades

Ecclesiology Debate: Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi (2004) : irrational non traditional Cushingite theology adopted

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