Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cardinal Gibbons and the Baltimore Catechism

Cardinal Gibbons and the Baltimore Catechism

The Baltimore Catechism came into this world in 1884 during the Third Plenary Council of American Bishops, headed by Cardinal Gibbons. In 1869, Bishop Gibbons had gone to Rome as the youngest prelate at the First Vatican Council. In 1872 he was named bishop of Richmond, VA and on April 15, 1877 he was appointed Co-adjutor Bishop of Baltimore. Gibbons, considered by some an Americanist Liberal and all-around concilator commented that the BC contained “not a single line which might offend Protestantism.” It was published in 1891, and that first edition contained 100 questions.
Pope Francis' joint ecumenical commemoration of the Reformation is possible theologically for Catholics since the Baltimore Catechism infers there is known salvation outside the Church, a person can be saved without the baptism of water

The Baltimore Catechism error is not just a theoretical oversight it had practical consequences, penalites were placed on Fr.Leonard Feeney and the St.Benedict Center. There was an excommunication.

Download the truth on the Baltimore Catechism error
Since the Baltimore Catechism said 'the desire'(Council of Trent) was a baptism like the baptism of water Vatican Council II is interpreted as a break with the dogma EENS

You cannot say that the magisterium at Baltimore made a mistake in the Baltimore Catechism, even though you know that no one in Baltimore could have seen or known a baptism of desire case in real life

Jewish Left rabbis interpret Vatican Council II with the Baltimore Catechism error : factually wrong
Inline image 1
Development of an error in the Catholic Church

Accepting Vatican Council II should no more be a problem for the SSPX : they need to avoid the error in the Baltimore Catechism

This error is all over Vatican Councl II and it should be enough for any one to reject the Council if they wanted to :its also there in Amoris Laetitia
-Lionel Andrades

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