Thursday, June 23, 2016

Pope Benedict could not show the continuity of the Council with other Councils since he was a Cushingite like Bruno Gherardini.

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

Comments from the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist :

"Guest editorial: Fiat continuity and the case of Papa Ratzinger"

Amateur Brain Surgeon said..
In his devastating critique of Vatican Two. "The Ecumenical Vatican Council II A MUCH NEEDED DISCUSSION the great Thomist, Brunero Gherardini, summaries (for ABS anyways) the entire critique on page 297 in the text of his appeal to the Holy Father (Then Ratzinger) seems to me me that it is urgent that you offer some clarity by responding in an authoritative manner to the question about the Council's continuity with the other Councils - not with declamation, but demonstration- and about it's fidelity to the ever vigorous Tradition of the Church.
Pope Benedict could not show the continuity of the Council with other Councils since he was a Cushingite like Bruno Gherardini.They both would re interpret St.Thomas Aquinas with the theology of Cushingism.So proof either way was impossible.

And, of course, there was no response and for a good reason - there is no continuity as can easily be seen in a myriad of examples.
There is no continuity for Cushingites, like you ABS.Change your theology and you will find the continuity.

Look, here is just one - Lumen Gentium teaches that salvation and sanctification can be attained to in heretical faiths #15 ..his sanctifying power is active in them... #16...Those who through no fault of there own do not know the Gospel of Christ if is church....those too may achieve eternal salvation
For me hypothetically  Lumen Gentium(15) teaches that salvation and sanctification can be attained in heretical faiths.O.K so hypothetically if there is a person saved in another religion he would be saved with faith and baptism for me.LG 15 does not say that he will be saved without faith and baptism.
For me this hypothetical case is not an explicit exception to the Feeneyite interpretation of the dogma EENS.
Remember this statement is made based on the error in the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which considered hypothetical cases as being explicit and then concluded that they were explicit exceptions to the dogma EENS.

 ..his sanctifying power is active in them... #16..
Again we have a hypothetical reference based on the error of the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949.

.Those who through no fault of there own do not know the Gospel of Christ if is church....those too may achieve eternal salvation
Again it is important to note that this line comes to us based on the error in the 1949 Letter which confused what is hypothetical as being objective, what is invisible was considered being visible.In 2016 we do not know and cannot know any one saved through no fault of his his own, for not knowing the Gospel of Christ.
This is like the hypothetical cases of Fr.Charles Curran, in moral theology, used to reject traditional teaching on mortal sin.

PFFFT Balderdash
 With Feeneyism as a theology Lumen Gentium would not contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS or the Syllabus of Errors.

ABS was learnt a prayer for conversions - a prayer approved for an Indulgence by Pope Pius IX and it appears in The Raccolta as originally published by the Benzinger Brothers in 1957; ABS has the December 2010 second reprint of it produced by Loreto Publications and in that text, the orthodox prayer begins on page 499

O Mary, Mother of mercy and Refuge of sinners, we beseech thee, be pleased to look with pitiful eyes upon poor heretics and schismatics. Thou who art the Seat of Wisdom, enlighten the minds that are miserably enfolded in the darkness of ignorance and sin, that they may clearly know that the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ, outside of which neither holiness nor salvation can be found. Finish the work of their conversion by obtaining for them the grace to accept all the truths of our Holy Faith, and to submit themselves to the supreme Roman Pontiff, the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth; that so, being united with us in the sweet chains of divine charity, there may soon be only one fold under the same one shepherd; and may we all, O glorious Virgin, sing forever with exultation: Rejoice, O Virgin Mary, thou only hast destroyed all heresies in the whole world. Amen.

(Hail Mary, three times. An Indulgence of 500 days (S.C. Prop. of the Faith., Dec. 30, 1868; S.P. Ap., March 18, 1936, and June 10, 1949)
The theology of this prayer is Feeneyite.

ABS hasn't looked in the "revised" Raccolta but it likely was silently killed because it is orthodox and opposed to Ecumenism, that indifferent anthropocentric baptismal pool, into which Tradition was repeatedly plunged and submerged in 1962-1965 and which action produced a dead water-logged corpus of novelty to which we are putatively bound to worship as the Catholic enlightenment.
You are not bound to worship as such if you make the distinction between Cushingism and Feeneyism.

More and more men are being awakened to the riotous result of the rupture from Tradition defended by declarations of continuity as events get more and more out of control because Franciscus who has gotten SO bad than even Dr Jeff Mirius is going public with his criticisms of Franciscus who, in addition to being the biggest recruiter for sedevacantism, has even unsettled the heretofore implacable and immovable papolatrists.
Jeff Mirus interprets the dogma EENS and Vatican Council II  with Cushingism.With Feeneyism Vatican Council II does have a continuity with Tradition.
-Lionel Andrades

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