Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Catechism of Trent only mentions 'the desirethereof'.It does not state that it is objectively known, and so is an exception to EENs. This was the mistake made by Rome and Boston in 1949.

From the blog The Eponymous Flower : True or False Pope Part I: John Salza
Also Baptism of Disire is de fide according to St. Alphonsus.
He did not say that it was explicit or relevant to EENS. The U.S liberal theologians made it relevant.Then it was accepted by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre So the traditionalists support the liberals on this issue.________________________

It was taught in the Catechism of the Council of Trent,
The Catechism of Trent only mentions 'the desirethereof'.It does not state that it is objectively known, and so is an exception to EENs. This was the mistake made by Rome and Boston in 1949.

the Baltamore Catechism,
The Baltimore Catechism made a mistake by calling 'the desirethereof' a baptism.They placed the new baptism in the Baptism Section of the Baltimore Catechism.There are no known cases of the baptism of desire.We cannot give someone this baptism or repeat the baptism of desire as we can with the baptism of water. We cannot see the baptism of desire as we can see the baptism of water being administered. So objectively we cannot compare the baptism of desire with the baptism of water and it should not have been placed in the section on Baptism._______________________

St. Plus X's catechism,
The Baltimore Catechism error was repeated in the Catechism of St. Pius X.
It was used as a precedent in the Fr. Leonard Feeney case.It is now the official error of the magisterium.No one has corrected.

many many Fathers, saints and even Popes.
St. Thomas Aquinas held the traditional interpretation of EENS and mentioned the man in the forest, in invincible ignorance, to whom God would send a preacher, since he was to be saved.
The liberal theologians project this man in the forest is an explicit case, personally known, and so it is an exception to EENS.So Aquinas would contradict himself. This was the reasoning of the Letter (1949).

Furthermore, I have never seen a saint EXPLICITLY and CLEARLY condemn Baptism of Desire.
None of them have said that the baptism of desire is explicit and not implicit, visible and not invisible.You assume they say the opposite ?_______________________

I have seen some quotes from saints which supposedly "contradicted" Baptism of Desire, but then I reserched and found in their other writings that they explicitly said Baptism of Desire was true.
Implicit for us baptism of desire does not contradict the dogma EENS.
Explicit for us baptism of desire would contradicit EENS
But how can there be an explicit for us baptism of desire ? If someone was saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water,he or she would be Heaven. So how could any one on earth know about this baptism ?.
Then who among us can say that a particular person can be saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water? No one
-Lionel Andrades

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