Thursday, June 30, 2016

SSPX and Novus Ordo priests in Regensburg are willing to accept the New Theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

The SSPX is to ordain priests at Regensburg on July 2.They  have a religious formation based on the new theology, the Cushingite theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.These new priests have been doctrinally taught to interpret and then reject Vatican Council II with Cushingite theology.They are also taught to accept and interpret extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS) with the new theology, Cushingism theology.

Priesterweihe im Regensburger Dom

So they will have been taught that interpretating the dogma EENS ( Cushingite) is not the basis of the teaching on the the non separation of Church and State,which is important.The dogma EENS for them is not the basis for all political legislatioin to have as its center Jesus and the Church.Since the dogma EENS( Cushingite) for them says there are exceptions to all needing to be formal members of the Church.For the new priests there are exceptions to traditional EENS( Feeneyite).Vatican Council II (LG 16) also refers to an explicit and not an implicit case.So it is an  exception to EENS(Feeneyite).For them it would be nice if all political legislatiion is based on Jesus Christ as known in the Catholic Church, but theologically, it is not necessary.Since there is known salvation outside the Church.

With all this doctrinal confusion the SSPX will ordain new priests at Regensburg.
These new priests of the SSPX, like those who offer Holy Mass in German, believe Vatican Council II and EENS can only be Cushingite.This is their religious formation.This religious formation is also acceptable for the German bishops, the Vatican and the political Left.
So the priests who offer the Novus Ordo or Tridentine Latin Mass at Regensburg  have the same new ecclesiology.
Bishop Fellay does not want a confrontation  with the Jewish Left. So he will not affirm Vatican Council II and EENS without the Cushing theology.This is even though the Cushing theology creates a rupture with Tradition.He wants a peaceful, non confrontational Church, and the Vatican Curia wants the same even though there is a rupture with Tradition based on a violation of the Principle of Non Contradiction.
They are ALL willing to accept the new theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.

So philosophically, the SSPX and the German bishops, will infer there are known cases of the baptism of desire and blood withhout the baptism of water.They make this inference when they accept the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which mentioned exceptions to traditional Feeneyite EENS.So if there are exceptions, then the premise is that there are known cases of persons saved without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.Otherwise how could there be exceptions? They infer that the Council of Trent considered the baptism of desire or 'the desirethereof' as exception to EENS so it was mentioned in the text.In other words it was mentioned in the Council of Trent since there were explicit cases, known cases.This is the reasoning.

How could any one past or present know of such a case? How could any one know of an exception? If they assumed at the Council of Trent that there were known cases of the baptism of desire, without the baptism of water,then they made a mistake. 
If a pope or saint in the past inferred that there were explicit cases of persons saved without the baptism of water it was an objective error.Since objectively no one on earth has the ability to see someone on earth or at least the Church does not recognise this gift to see people in Heaven, among any Catholic.

Yet upon this irrational premise, that of being able to see people in Heaven saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water,the SSPX priests will conclude that these 'explicit cases', are exceptions, to Feeneyite EENS.So there is salvation outside the Church for the new priests and the German bishops and priests who offer Holy Mass in the vernacular.

Bischof Dr. Rudolf Voderholzer3, 99. Deutscher Katholikentag, Regensburg.JPG
 For the new priests SSPX , like it was for Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1257),every one needs to enter the Church but some do not.The Church knows of no means to etenal beatitude other than the baptism of water BUT God is not limited to the Sacraments (CCC 1257 The Neccessity of Baptism).
Every one needs to be a Catholic in 2016 EXCEPT for those in invincible ignorance or with the baptism of desire.All need to be formal members of the Church BUTsome do not.Every one needs to enter the Church EXCEPT FOR those phsyically seen in Heaven or on earth without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.

We see this irrational pattern in magisterial documents too.Since the magisterium's Cushingite theology is based on known exceptions to all needing to enter the Church.
Dominus Iesus says all need to enter the Church but some do not.

The first part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 affirms traditional Feeneyite EENS.The second part is Cushingite and assumes the baptism of desire and blood and being saved in invincible ignorance is an exception to EENS( Feeneyite).So it contradicts the first part.This is the theology of the new priests as it was the theology accepted by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

The New Theology approved by the International Theological Commission, Vatican, says all need to enter the Church but there are exceptions who do not need to be formal Catholics to go to Heaven.Defacto every one needs to be a card carrying member of the Church but de facto every one also does not need to be a formal Catholic.
With all this doctrinal confusion,there probably are other seminarians at the SSPX seminaries in Econe, USA etc,who are getting ready to be ordained.

Whether the SSPX is licit or illicit,the seminarians who will offer the Latin Mass or the Novus Ordo Mass as priests, will be in heresy.They will use an irrationality in philosophy and theology, to change the Nicene Creed, reject the dogma EENS(Feeneyite) and replace Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) with an irrational and heretical Vatican Council II(Cushingite).They will theologically reject the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation and will support the separation of Church and State.Mission will no more depend on the dogma EENs( Feeneyite).
The SSPX is to ordain priests at Regensburg on July 2 who affirm the new theology, the Cushingite theology which violates the Principle of Non Contradiction.

Unity can be obtained if the CDF/Ecclesia Dei and the SSPX interpret EENS, Vatican Council II,the Catechism of the Catholic Church and all magisterial documents with the theology of Feeneyism, instead of irrational, innovative Cushingism.
-Lionel Andrades

Bishop of Regensburg, like Ecclesia Dei and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith must be asked to accept Vatican Council II (Feeneyite)

Ann Barnhardt is a Catholic even though she violates the Principle of Non Contradiction

Vatican Council II (Cushingite) has erred but it can be re-intepreted with Feeneyism: Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) is not heretical

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