Sunday, June 5, 2016

Vague, irrational and heretical prayer intentions during Holy Mass in Italian


Pray Intention on Sunday June 5, 2016 Mass Leaflet, La Domenica, San Paolo, in Italian in Rome.
1. Perché in un mondo disorientato da radicali cambiamenti e sconvolto da tanti conflitti, la Chiesa sia faro di salvezza per tutti i popoli, preghiamo:
1. Because in a world disoriented by radical changes and disturbed  by so many conflicts, the Church will be a beacon of salvation for all peoples, let us pray.

The Society of St.Paul, Italy which publishes the weekly La Domenica, often  mentions Christ being necessary for salvation, but excludes the  necessity of the Catholic Church.1 The Society of St.Paul in the Prayer Intentions, of La Domenica is not allowed to say  that  the Catholic Church is needed for salvation. They never say all need to be visible members of the Catholic Church, all need 'faith and baptism'(AG 7,CCC 846,1257) for salvation.2  
Today (June 5 Sunday ) there is a vague reference to salvation.In some way the Church will be a beacon of salvation for all peoples.What do they mean by this ? And they ask us to pray for this vague intention.
They present Christ without the necessity of the Church.Since they interpret Vatican Council II with the theology of Cushingism instead of Feeneyism.
The community produces a liberal leaflet La Domenica which is used in most churches here for Sunday Mass. Never have they said that non Catholics need to convert into the Church for salvation. (Their funding could probably be stopped for their projects). Never has La Domenica  said that the Good News includes saying that non Catholics must accept Jesus in the Catholic Church for salvation (to avoid Hell).2

For the  Society of St.Paul,   St. Ambrose and other saints, could have personally known of people in Heaven who are there without the baptism of water.So these cases for the religious of this congregation, are  exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) .So EENS is not reflected in their weekly La Domenica prayer intentions.

The Society of St. Paul and the Daughters of St.Paul are liberals.Though  like the traditionalist, FSSP/SSPX  priests they  deny invisible for us baptism of desire.They reject EENS since for them the  baptism of desire is explicit. This contradicts EENS.
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Their General Curia reject Vatican Council II ( Feeneyite) and assume hypothetical cases are objective. Then Vatican Council II for this religious  community , founded by Blessed James Alberione and Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo.  becomes a break with EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.
The philosophical error of hypothetical cases being objective was made by the liberals at Boston and Rome in 1949 and then the error was inserted in Vatican Council II and this was accepted by the founders of this community.
Image result for Photo of SSPX seminary
Like the  the traditionalist SSPX,at  their  theological and philosophical formation at seminaries and convents, they use a false premise and conclusion which is the basis of the new irrational theology. So they have rejected the philophical reasoning and traditional theology of the pre- Council of Trent times.


Archbishop Bruno Forte. Image courtesy of
Last  month Archbishop Forte quoted Pope Francis saying 'do it in a way that the premises are there, then I will draw out the conclusions.
Image result for Photo of Daughters of St.PaulThe premises are there in Vatican  Council and the popes and pro-Mason religious communities  draw a conclusion which is a break with Tradition and so they welcome this innovatve interpretation of Vatican Council II.
I interpret Vatican Council II without the premise and so the conclusion is not a break with Tradition.The magisterium like the communties of Blessed James Alberione and Venerable Mother Thecla Merlo will not discuss this issue. Religious who disagree with the General Curia could be dismissed.
Related imageThe CDF and the Society of St. Paul want to interpret Vatican Council II with the irrational premise to reach an irrational conclusion.They reject a rational interpretation of Vatican Council II. It is as if it does not exist for them. They use an irrational reasoning as the basis of their new theology.Since the average Catholic does not know about this deception with theology, they have to quietly listen to vague, irrational and heretical prayer intentions during Holy Mass in Italian.-Lionel Andrades



The Society of St. Paul mocks the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith

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