Wednesday, June 29, 2016

What Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ will Bishop Fellay politically affirm ?

'... the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, with the means that Divine Providence gives to it, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ.- Bishop Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X,EcĂ´ne, June 29, 2016   The Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
When Bishop Bernard Fellay says  the Society of Saint Pius X intends to redouble its efforts to establish and to spread, the social reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ, this is just a slogan.
Doctrinally he is not in a position to affirm the Social Reign of Christ the King over all political legislation.
1.He is unable to affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus ( Feeneyite) which is the basis of the teaching on the Social Reign of Our Lord  Christ the King.
Instead of extra ecclesiam nulla salus( EENS- Feeneyite) he promotes an EENS (Cushingite) which is acceptable to the Jewish Left.
So if there are exceptions to all needing to formally enter the Church, (when the dogma EENS( Feeneyite) does not mention any exceptions), then why should all need to formally enter the Church for salvation and why should all political legislation have as its center the Catholic Church and Jesus Christ?
2.He has made an objective error, a doctrinal error, in public and there is no correction or acknowledgement from him or the SSPX.1
3.He did not comment on the recent Vatican Document on the Jews, issued by the Vatican Commission for Relations with the Jews.It was titled The Gifts and Calling of God are irrevocable.Jewish Left  rabbis associated with Israel were present at the Vatican Press Office Conference to announce this Document.It said Jews do not need to convert.It rejected Nostra Aetate 4 which says Catholics are the new people of God. It made no mention of Lumen Gentium 14 and Ad Gentes 7 which indicate all Jews need 'faith and baptism' for salvation.
4.He has removed articles from the SSPX website a few years back to prevent a clash with the Jewish Left.
5.Sometime back he asked the SSPX branches to protest against the ecumenical and inter religious dialogue meetings. When the Jewish Left threathened with their Anti-Semitic laws the protests were stopped.
6.He has disowned Bishop Richard Williamson and many priests of the SSPX Resistance who are labelled Anti-Semitic.
So what Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ will he affirm ?
How can he politically support the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ  when he has not clarified the SSPX doctrinal position  on 1) EENS (Feenyite) or EENS (Cushingite) and 2).Vatican Council II (Feeneyite) or Vatican Council II( Cushingite).
The SSPX does not want to affirm Vatican Council II( Feeneyite) or EENS ( Feeneyite) since they will be opposed by the political Left and also cardinals and bishops who support the secular Left.
Vatican Council II and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS),Feeneyite, is the basis for the Social Reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the separation of secularism and State.
The Church is in a crisis according to the SSPX, but, then so is the SSPX.
-Lionel Andrades


JUNE 14, 2016

SSPX doctrinal position is politically correct and heretical : Bishop Fellay interprets EENS and Vatican Council II assuming hypothetical cases are objectively known in the present times

June 13, 2016
No one to defend Bishop Bernard Fellay : Heresy

JUNE 13, 2016

THE DOCTRINAL POSITION OF BISHOP BERNARD FELLAY IS HERETICAL. HE ALSO CONTRADICTS THE SSPX DOCTRINAL GENERAL CHAPTER STATEMENT 2012 WHICH AFFIRMED EENS WITH NO EXCEPTIONS Muller, Archbishop Di Noia and Bishop Fellay's theology is based on hypothetical cases being explicit exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus 


Apologists Mons. Clifford Fenton, Fr.William Most and Fr. John Hardon considered implicit cases as being explicit: traditionalists agree any one who does this is wrong

June 10, 2016
Here are the controversial passages again 


JUNE 29, 2016

Bishop of Regensburg, like Ecclesia Dei and the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith must be asked to accept Vatican Council II (Feeneyite)

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