Wednesday, June 22, 2016

You are still sending me links which say BOD is an exception to EENS.BOD was never an exception to EENS. It was never relevant to EENS.The liberal theologians made it relevant. They have interpreted BOD as being explicit instead of implicit

From the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist : 

""Saint Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, Help Us To Find Our Way Home To Heaven""

Musings of a Pertinacious Papist

That link is for the lurkers.

As for you, Lionel, it makes absolutely no sense to refer to exceptions to a heretical interpretation of Catholic Tradition - Feeneyism - nor does it make any sense to speak of hypothetical cases when Tradition teaches about specific cases but ABS also knows that Ideology can not be overcome by facts anymore than a delusion can be corrected by facts.

The plain and simple truth is that Feeeny was wildly heretical in his personal opinions about BOB and BOD and those who reconciled him to the church without first demanding he repudiate his heresy were acting out of emotionalism and reconciliation sans repudiation of his heresy has done severe damage to the Church and you are just an example of the walking wounded.

I have mentioned that the baptism of desire is not explicit and so is not an exception to the dogma EENS. 
Prof. Phillip Blosser understands this.This is simple reasoning. 
Tancred at The Eponymous Flower understands this. He has agreed with me in the comments section of the blog.
Now ABS you are still sending me another link which says BOD is an exception to EENS.I have read that link before. The sedevacantists and traditionalists have made a factual mistake there . BOD was never an exception to EENS. It was never relevant to EENS.The liberal theologians made it relevant. They have interpreted BOD as being explicit instead of implicit, objective instead of hypothetical. You are looking at this issue with their perspective.This new perspective was sadly approved by the magisterium in 1949.

That link is for the lurkers.

As for you, Lionel, it makes absolutely no sense to refer to exceptions to a heretical interpretation of Catholic Tradition - Feeneyism - nor does it make any sense to speak of hypothetical cases when Tradition teaches about specific cases but ABS also knows that Ideology can not be overcome by facts anymore than a delusion can be corrected by facts.

The Letter of the Holy Office 1949 says there are exceptions to EENS and you accept it. It is you who infer that there are exceptions. 
For me the Letter 1949 like the Baltimore Catechism 1891 made a mistake. They were perhaps ideological with the Left.

The plain and simple truth is that Feeeny was wildly heretical in his personal opinions about BOB and BOD and those who reconciled him to the church without first demanding he repudiate his heresy were acting out of emotionalism and reconciliation sans repudiation of his heresy has done severe damage to the Church and you are just an example of the walking wounded.
Either Fr. Feeney or Archbishop Cushing was in heresy.
One was affirming the dogma EENS as it was known for centuries. The other was saying there are exceptions.
The one who was saying there are exceptions, based on the irrational reasoning, was the one supported by the magisterium in 1949 until today. It was magisterial irrationality. It was a break with the magisterium of the centuries. It was magisterial heresy.You support it?
-Lionel Andrades

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