Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Can I quote you as saying that that there are no physically known cases of the baptism of desire in the present times(2016)? Is this something difficult for you?

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So can I quote you as saying that that there are no physically known cases of the baptism of desire in the present times(2016)? This is the question I asked the person with whom I have been discussing this issue for a few weeks now.He has agreed that there are no physical cases of the baptism of desire. The baptism of desire is invisible for us human beings in 2016.There is nothing extra ordinary about this question and the answer is simple. Yet it has been so difficult for cardinals and bishops to simply answer this question.Since they have attachments and responsibilities and they want to maintain their reputation even at the cost of error in the Church.

A lay man was asked this question.He is a supporter of the SSPX.He simply had to say the obvious."Yes go ahead and quote me. It is common knowledge that there are no known cases of the baptism of desire in 2016".

But will he say so?

Since for the SSPX their new theology is based on there being known exceptions to the dogma EENS. Even for the sedevacantists Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, who have had their religious formation under Archbishop Lefebvre, there are physical cases of the baptism of desire.Other wise how would the baptism of desire be an exception to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus, how would it even be relevant to EENS.This is the new theology of traditionalists associated with Rorate Caeili.In this way Vatican Council II emerges for them,as a break with Tradition. Physically known LG 16 is an explicit exception to the dogma EENS and the Syllabus of Errors.

l'immagine del profilo di Louie Verrecchio

Presently on Louie Verrecchio's blog,UR 3 is considered physically known for it to be an exception to Tradition for him.

Physically known cases of the baptism of desire!!!
This is the cutting point.
It is from here that the traditionalists and sedevacantists make an error in philosophical reasoning ( subjectivism) and support a new theology based on an irrationality(physically visible cases of the baptism of desire and persons saved without the baptism of water).
It is from here that I avoid the new theology with the irrational premise and so I automatically go back to the old ecclesiolgy based on EENS with no exceptions.
If the SSPX can say that there are no physically visible cases of BOD or LG 16 then they have a Vatican Council II which is traditional. No matter how every one else interprets Vatican Council II they can affirm a Council which is traditional on EENS and the old ecclesiology of the Church. They could ask the Vatican Curia to do the same i.e accept EENS and Vatican Council II with there being no physically known cases of the baptism of desire or being saved in invincible ignorance.
I mean obviously there are no such cases in the present times!
-Lionel Andrades

So can I quote you as saying that that there are no physically known cases of the baptism of desire in the present times(2016)?

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