Friday, July 22, 2016

So for me the Church( 1949) has made a mistake since there are no physical cases of BOD or I.I : neither you nor I can personally know of this exception to the rule

I've already said the state of the soul is invisible. That is irrelevant to the fact that the Church can and has declared that BOD joins one to the Church for salvation. It doesn't matter if BOD cases are invisible in 2016. It doesn't matter what I am or am not aware of, or believe about someone's desire for baptism. Your error in this regard is assuming that reality is based upon your experiential knowledge. Not true, Lionel.

You are saying that the state of the soul is invisible and I agree with you.You are saying that there are no baptism of desire cases in 2016 seen with the naked eye, there are no physically visible baptism of desire or invincible ignorance cases in 2016 saved without the baptism of water.We agree here. This is something obvious.

That is irrelevant to the fact that the Church can and has declared that BOD joins one to the Church for salvation.

Lionel: Agreed.The Church has declared that BOD joins one to the Church for salvation.( Letter of the Holy Office 1949 etc).

It doesn't matter if BOD cases are invisible in 2016

.Lionel: It does not matter if BOD cases are invisible in 2016 the Church has stated that BOD joins one to the Church for salvation, BOD results in salvation.O.K.Agreed.The Church says this even though BOD is physically not visible in 2016.

It doesn't matter what I am or am not aware of, or believe about
someone's desire for baptism.

Lionel: It does not matter what is your personal views or those of others on this issue.The Church says BOD leads to salvation and you also believe that BOD cases are not visible in 2016 to the naked eye.

Your error in this regard is assuming that reality is based upon your
experiential knowledge. Not true

Lionel: The Church says BOD leads to salvation without the baptism of water and our reality tells us that there are no known cases, and there can be no known cases, of the baptism of desire, in 2016.
So this is what we both agree upon.It is also known to others.
O.K I can agree with you here.

The Church says BOD leads to salvation without the baptism of water( Letter of the Holy Office 1949 second part) and so the Church is saying there is salvation outside the Church. The Church is saying every one does not need to be ' a card carrying member' of the Church.The Church says this even though neither you or I can personally know of this exception to the rule.Neither could any one in the past know of this case of someone saved with BOD or I.I without the baptism of water.We both agree that there are no physically visible cases of someone saved without the baptism of water and so no one could claim over history that they saw such a case, such an exception.So for me the Church( 1949) has made a mistake since there are no physical cases of BOD or I.I and for you the Church has not made a mistake. There is known salvation outside the Church, all do not need to enter the church visibly (with faith and baptism) in 2016.
Do we agree here?
-Lionel Andrades

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