Sunday, July 31, 2016

This was how Archbishop Lefebvre, Michael Davis and the Hildebrands interpreted Vatican Council II, it still is the interpretation of the Remnant and Wanderer news media.

Traditionalists and conservatives  will criticize 'the Conciliar Church' for its position on inter-religious dialogue 1 but they will not interpret Vatican Council II without the irrationality.It is the irrational premise and conclusion which prevents the Conciliar Church from being in harmony with the strict interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS).On the strict interpretation of EENS is based the old ecclesiology on other religions and exclusive salvation in the Catholic Church.
So instead of saying Vatican Council II says all non Catholics need 'faith and baptism'(AG 7, LG 14) for salvation and without it they are oriented to Hell, they will say that Vatican Council II says non Catholics are saved in their religions.Then they will reject Vatican Council II.
In other words hypothetical cases (LG 16, LG 8, NA 2, UR 3 etc) are assumed to be 1) known in 2016 in personal cases for them to contradict the strict interpretation of the dogma EENS and 2) the conclusion is that Vatican Council II contradicts the strict interpretation of EENS, with these explicit exceptions, personally known.
The Wanderer NewspaperremnantLogo
This was how Archbishop Lefebvre, Michael Davis and the Hildebrands interpreted Vatican Council II, it still is the interpretation of the Remnant and Wanderer news media.
So today Archbishop Guido Pozzo and the political Left have no opposition when they interpret Vatican Council II based on these two points mentioned above.This is the concept of the Conciliar Church for the Vatican Curia and also the traditionalists and conservative Catholics.

The traditionalists only know this interpretation of the Conciliar Church and if they say that LG 16 etc refer to theoretical cases  in 2016 they would become Feeneyites.This was opposed by Archbishop Lefebvre. He was a Cushingite.
-Lionel Andrades


The Second Vatican Council and the Popes since, have confused the faithful in the message that they have sent in the desire for what is dialogue and a false oecumenism. -Vox Cantoris

the abject failure of the conciliar program of interreligious dialogue, otherwise understood by “traditionalists” (aka Catholics) as the practical abandonment of the Church’s mission -AKA Catholic

They have pulled the bait and switch on the SSPX twice now, bringing them to the edge of reconciliation only to try and have them sell their souls on the Vatican II altar. They have failed both times.

Sell out by Archbishop Guido Pozzo and the Vatican : they refuse to interpret Vatican Council II without an irrational premise and conclusion

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