Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You do not have any problem with the statements of Archbishop Gullickson, Fr. S.Visintin OSB, John Martignoni and the Brazilian priest I quoted? They say BOD is not an exception to EENS, it is invisible

Lionel, I addressed your errors already.
What is the error ? Please be precise.

You have created a straw man to knock down and then claim victory.

What is the straw man please be specific.

It doesnt matter that cases of BOD are invisible,which we have always granted.

So you acknowledge that cases of BOD are invisible in 2016 and in the past. They do not exist in our reality?
If you acknolwedge this then we can begin a dialogue.
You do not have any problem with the statements of Archishop Gullickson, Fr. S.Visintin OSB, John Martignoni and the Brazilian priest I quoted? They say BOD is not an exception to EENS, it is invisible.
Invisible cases cannot be exceptions to all needing to enter the Church in 2016 for salvation.


The Church has the authority to declare that BOD joins one to the Church for salvation, which she has.

O.K. The contemporarty magisterium has the authority to contradict the past magisterium.

And invisible cases also dont mean they are an exception to EENS.

Are there exceptions or are there no exceptions?

They are not.

So BOD is not an exception for you.
However you and the SSPX and the contemporary 'Church' accept the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 which indicates Fr.Leonard Feeney was wrong since BOD etc are exceptions to EENS?
So when you attend Mass, LG 16 ( invincible ignorance) is an exception to EENS. So Vatican Council II contradicts EENS for you? This is your ecclesiology at Holy Mass. This is your faith.
My faith at Mass is different.Ecclesiology is different. It is traditional, irrespective of the Rite.


Because you cannot refute the foregoing, your cause has come to an end.

What is my cause? I am affirming the dogma EENS ,with no
visible exceptions,
no known exceptions in 2016.I am affirming the baptism of desire which will include the baptism of water, since this is the dogmatic teaching and since it is invisible it does not contradict EENS. I affirm the Nicene Creed and the Athanasius Creed, I affirm the Catechism(1995) in which I interpret hypothetical cases as just being hypothetical.
So I support my view with magisterial documents interpreted rationally.
You ,the SSPX and the sedevacantists cannot say the same. You can get away with heresy and irrationality since you are supported by the present liberal magisterium, which opposes the pre Council of Trent magisterium which did not state that BOD cases are explicit in our reality.
-Lionel Andrades

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