Thursday, August 11, 2016

For the CDF/Ecclesia Dei the heretics in Germany are not heretics since like the two popes they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with traditional Catholic doctirine.

The onus for clarifying the doctrinal issues lies with the Vatican/CDF/ Ecclesia Dei.
They have clarified it. 
They have confirmed it.They accept an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. With this interpretation there is a rupture with the traditional teachings on exclusive salvation, religious liberty, an ecumenism of return, the Nicene Creed, the dogma EENS and doctrines based on EENS.
This is heresy.The doctrinal position of the contemporary magisterium is a rupture with the pre-Council of Trent magisterium.

Comment from the blog 1Peter5 : Abp. Pozzo on SSPX:
 Disputed Vatican II Documents Are Non-Doctrinal



...Finally, you curiously omit the beginning and end of that paragraph from which you quoted: "The excommunication affects individuals, not institutions. An episcopal ordination lacking a pontifical mandate raises the danger of a schism, since it jeopardizes the unity of the College of Bishops with the Pope.
Lionel: True. However in this case the popes want the SSPX to interpret Vatican Council II using an irrational principle to produce a non traditional and heretical conclusion. So they have a right to object.
 Consequently the Church must react by employing her most severe punishment – excommunication – with the aim of calling those thus punished to repent and to return to unity.
Lionel: It is the magisterium which is in obvious heresy and they do not deny it.It reminds me of the case of Fr. Leonard Feeney.
Image result for Photo Fr. Leonard Feeney

 He was not saying anything new.He was faithful to the teachings of the Church. It was the magisterium which was in heresy with its irrational and non traditional interpretation of the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. It was the cardinals in Rome and the Archbishop of Boston who were technically in heresy and should have been excommunicated for suggesting there were known exceptions to the dogma EENS.How could hypothetical cases of the baptism of desire etc refer to personally known people when these cases are invisible for us? And if there were no personally known people how could there be exceptions to EENS?

 Twenty years after the ordinations, this goal has sadly not yet been attained. |||...In order to make this clear once again: until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers – even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty – do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church."
Lionel: The onus for clarifying the doctrinal issues lies with the Vatican/CDF/ Ecclesia Dei and they have clarified it. They have confirmed that they accept an irrational interpretation of Vatican Council II. With this irrational, Cushingite interpretation of Vatican Council II there is a rupture with the traditional teachings on exclusive salvation in the Church, religious liberty, an ecumenism of return, the Nicene Creed and the dogma EENS and other doctrines based on the dogma EENS.
This is heresy.This is the doctrinal position of the contemporary magisterium. It is a rupture with the pre-Council of Trent magisterium of the Church.
 There is talk of return, a rarely used word in neo-Church speech, correct? Now, I'm sure we also agree that this is unfairly applied since the patent heretics running rampant in Germany have been excused from a similar application of these principles. Alas, that is authority's great omission in carrying out the Great Commission. Still, that doesn't excuse the SSPX...
Lionel: For the CDF/Ecclesia Dei the heretics in Germany are not heretics.Since like the two popes they interpret Vatican Council II as a break with traditional Catholic doctrine.
-Lionel Andrades

For the majority of Catholics the Nicene Creed and the EENS has been changed, the Syllabus of Errors rejected, the old ecclesiology based on EENS eliminated so there is no ecumenism of return,there is no more traditional mission since outside the Church there is known salvation

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