Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Inter-religion Instead of the Eucharist

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of August 2016

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Inter-religion Instead of the Eucharist: Allegedly due to the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis cancelled all of his pastoral visits to Italian destinations. Nevertheless, he visited Assisi in August and will be back there on September 19th for an inter-…

Gloria.TV News on the 17th of August 2016

Inter-religion Instead of the Eucharist: Allegedly due to the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis cancelled all of his pastoral visits to Italian destinations. Nevertheless, he visited Assisi in August and will be back there on September 19th for an inter-religious meeting. A day before he should have participated at the Italian Eucharistic Congress in Genoa, but instead he will be the first pope to skip this event since the popes started attending it in 1965.

Praising the Enemy: Archbishop Matteo Maria Zuppi of Bologna, Italy, is widely considered to be an incarnation of the Pope Francis party line. Talking to the Corriere di Bologna he praised those who contract homosex pseudo-marriages recently introduced in Italy without resistance from Pope Francis. Quote: “They are brothers and sisters which we love. We try to live and walk together with them.” Zuppi was speaking about radical homosexuals who now aim at abolishing marriage between a man and a woman.

Priest: 61-year-old Armando Zappa is an Italian who, together with his wife Marta, worked twenty years in Peru with the Catholic movement, Operazione Mato Grosso. Two years ago his wife died and Armando decided to go back to Peru, this time as a priest. He will be ordained on December 3rd. About fifty members of Operazione Mato Grosso have become priests in Peru, Bolivia and Brazil.

Symptoms of False Teaching: published Eight Symptoms of False Teaching written over 100 years ago by J.C. Ryle, an Anglican bishop of Liverpool. Symptom Number 4 says, “There is a wide-spread desire to appear kind, loving, and open-minded: many seem half-ashamed to say that anybody can be wrong or is a false teacher.” Symptom Number 8 reads, “There is a wide-spread ignorance among professing Christians: every heretic who speaks well is surely believed, and anyone who doubts him is called narrow-minded and unloving.”

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